Health and Happiness

Let's take a look at the powerful combination of health and happiness. Feeling good, and enjoying good health are almost prerequisites for being in a perpetual state of happiness. Without good health, it creates that much more of a challenge for us to be happy, so it is an extremely worthwhile goal to obtain and maintain a healthy mind, body and spirit.

There are many people in the world who suffer from chronic pain, or severe or even terminal illnesses, but are still able to maintain a positive outlook on life, thus allowing them to experience a wondrous state of happiness.

I would like to cite the case of my own mom as an example. She suffered from and battled against Cancer for many years. While it sadly took a toll on her overall health and ability to live life to the fullest at all times, she consistently remained grateful and happy for all the good things in her life.

She had so many wonderful friends who always gave her love and support. She also adored her grandchildren. She derived so much joy from spending time with my kids and getting to ‘spoil’ them, that most of the time, it was enough to lessen the time she spent thinking about her illness.

Of course, there were times when nothing could help overcome the suffering she felt, but most times, the joy and gratitude she experienced was enough to help her through the difficult times and get through life day by day.

Having said that, imagine how much you can do with good health! Diet and Exercise are so important today. More than ever before, we are a nation of overworked, overweight individuals and if we are going to win the fight against obesity and disease, we are going to have to get off our butts and do something about it!

The good news is that once you really commit to taking good care of yourself, it easily becomes like second nature and it ends up becoming much easier for your level of happiness to begin to soar.

We are all very individual when it comes to diet and exercise programs. No one program works for everyone. Keep experimenting until you find the one you enjoy most and works best for you. The most important thing to do is take action. Thinking about improving your health does nothing; you have to work at it! (Remember to always check with your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program) Adopted from