Health Benefits of Having a Dog

Despite the mid-night potty runs, vomit on the rug and hair coating the backseat of the family car; people love their dogs. People shower their pooches with treats, attention and in some cases, designer clothes and accessories. Whether their dog is a laid back Labrador or a pampered Poodle; people love them like members of the family. Non-dog loving people might wonder why people love them so much considering the sacrifice that goes along with raising a happy and well-adjusted dog. Dog-loving people would probably tell you that they love their dogs so much because their dog gives them so much love in return. While it is true that dogs give their people unconditional love and loyalty, they also provide real health benefits to their care takers.

Dog owners have lower blood pressure. Several studies have shown that the simple act of stroking a dog can reduce blood pressure. More recent studies have found that these effects continue throughout the day when people are away from their dog as well. Dog owners cope with stress better & lowered blood pressure is a result of that relationship your dog & you.
Dog owners have lower cholesterol levels than non-dog owners. Studies done in Australia and England have shown that dog owners have lower cholesterol and triglycerides and are at less risk of developing heart disease or other cardiovascular problems. In fact, studies show that dog owners overall are healthier than the general population. This can be partially explained by regular walks with the family dog.
Dog owners are happier in general. Dog ownership has been shown to reduce loneliness and fight depression in their owners. When people are not lonely and depressed they are happier. Dogs can cause happiness in humans, in part, by causing the release of endorphins in the brain, which are natural anti-depressants produced by the human body. With this increase in mental health, quality of life is increased respectively.
Dog owners live longer. Because dog owners cope with stress better and do not suffer from depression as often; they are more likely to live longer. While being happy will not heal a person it can keep them from becoming ill in the first place. According to happiness studies experts the effect of happiness on longevity is comparable to that of smoking or not smoking. Pets provide companionship, healthy relationships and become topics of conversation which aid in social interactions with others. Dogs also increase self esteem and cause humans to feel more compassion for others.
Dog owners have higher survival rates after serious illness. Some studies have shown that heart attack patients with dogs are twice as likely to be alive one year after their heart attack than their no-dog owning peers.
In fact, it seems that humans get just as much or more from their canine companions as they give in the first place. With dog owners experiencing longer, happier and healthier lives it makes you wonder why the rest of the population hasn’t jumped on board. Adopted From