Gardening Secrets For Spring Garden Preparation

Let’s take a look at how to approach your spring garden preparations to optimize your results during this year’s growing season:

Finish deciding which plants and seeds you’ll be purchasing and which existing plants you might want to move to a different location.

If you have plants you want to move, do this spring gardening preparation step while the plant’s still dormant, before it starts to green up.

Take a look at your garden tools and get them cleaned up, making a note of any that need replacing.

Order your supplies. Your plants will be shipped according to your area’s planting dates, while tools and seeds are usually sent right away.

Next step: Get a soil test. This spring garden preparation task is often neglected. It’s really worth the money. You’ll know just the right amounts of which amendments you’ll need for the correct Ph for what you want to grow. Most test kits instruct you to take soil samples from a number of locations for the most accurate results.

Before you go digging around in the garden, turning soil and adding amendments, be sure the soil is dry enough! Wet soil, worked too soon, has a tendency to compact even further, with a poor soil structure at the end of all your hard work.

Exercise patience when removing winter mulches, such as you might have around rose bushes. Be sure that spring has sprung before removing those protective mulches. At the same time, refresh mulches all around the garden, laced with a little blood meal (comes powdered, in a box at any nursery) to replace the nitrogen lost by the breakdown of last year’s mulch.

One of the least favorite spring garden preparation jobs, a thorough weeding now will save you many hours later. The sprouting weeds are easy to pull and don’t have a chance to go to seed. Adopted from