Letters to Santa

Santa receives letters every day of the year - here are some that Santa thought you'd enjoy reading!

Dear Santa- I think your the bestest in the world because you give everyone presents for Christmas. Even if they are bad you still give them presents. Love from Kim PS. I will leave you milk and cookies and water and carrots for the reindeers

Dear Santa - For Christmas I would like my own planet, (Mars would be nice because its near Earth). Tim

Dear Santa- Hi, I already found the presents mom & dad! Lauren

Dear Santa- I want nothing for Christmas this year, so it can't slow down your trip to other kids houses. Elizabeth

Dear Santa- I have been very good this year. Please just bring me happiness and cheer. And take care of all the little children of the world. Have very safe flight. Michelle

Dear Santa- How's Comet? How old are you? Are you older then Jesus? I have a gas fireplace, so how are you supposed to get in?? Nicholas

Dear Santa- I know I might have been bad, but I have been trying my best to be good. I hope you bring me and my friends something. Ariel

Dear Santa- My name is Lori and I am 7 years old. How's things up there in the North Pole? Cold enough for you yet? How's Mrs. Claus and all of the reindeer? This year I would like it if I could get enough money to buy my mom, dad and older sister a gift each. If you could, I will love you forever and ever! Your friend, Lori

Dear Santa- I know that I e-mailed you before. At that time I was at school. I was just letting you know Santa, I know you are real but why don't some kids believe in you? I'm not sure if you have done this or not, but do you think you could wake me up when you come to my house, please. I know that you have a tight night, but please at least wake me up and hug me. I have wanted to ask you that for so long that it has only been a dream. If you can, my room is the one with horse wallpaper, in the middle of all the rooms, except the toy room. One more thing Santa, could I see the reindeer? That has also been a dream of mine. I will wear warm pjs if you can let me look at the reindeer. Thank you so much for all the lovely things you have given me. Nicole

Dear Santa- I have been a very good boy this year. I always show my Mommy and others how much I love them with kisses and hugs. I help my Mom pick up toys and whatever other mess I make. All I want for Christmas is for my Daddy to spend some time with me like my Mommy does, and for him to help my Mommy too sometimes. And if you could get Mommy a new car and a house, I am sure she would be very happy! I hope that you and the reindeer are doing well. Make sure Rudolph doesn't get a cold!!! I am not sure if you want cheese or cookies with your milk so I will leave out both, and if that's not what you want, feel free to raid the fridge! Merry Christmas Santa! Jeremy

Adopted from http://www.merry-christmas.com/letters_santa/

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Recipe Of The Month - Million Dollar Fudge

If you would like an easy and dependable fudge recipe, try this one. It makes a good amount of fudge and I have never had it turn out grainy or too hard. It has been a favorite of our for years!
1 large 12 oz. pkg. of semi-sweet chocolate chips
5 cups of sugar
2 tsp. vanilla
1 giant Hershey bar, broken into small pieces
1/4 lb. butter or margarine
1 cup chopped nuts
1 pt. Marshmallow Crème (small size is enough)
1 can Milnot (13 oz. size)
Put chips, Hershey bar and Marshmallow Crème in a large mixing bowl and set aside. Mix sugar, butter, and Milnot together in a large pan until well blended then let mixture boil gently for 6 minutes without stirring. Next pour hot mixture over chocolate in mixing bowl and mix. When most of the Marshmallow Crème and chocolate has blended dump in the chopped nuts. Stir a few more times till everything is blended then pour onto a 10x15 pan that has been sprayed or buttered. Spread it out and then if you want to press on pecan halves if that is the type of nut you used. After it has cooled cut it into pieces. Fudge tends to dry out quickly so be sure to put it in a tin or Tupperware type container that has a good seal.

Coping with Holiday Stress Tips

The holidays can be fun, but they also can be a source of great stress — and no wonder. The holidays are often depicted as a magical time when people reconcile and dreams come true.
Do Financial Pressures Stress People Out to the Point of Ruining the Holiday Spirit?

Knowing your spending limit is also a way to relieve holiday stress. People believe that they have to go out and buy gifts because it’s the holidays, even if they can’t afford to do so. Not only is it stressful to feel that you have to buy everyone an expensive gift, but you’ll be stressed for the rest of the year trying to pay off your bills. You can show love and caring by getting something that you know is meaningful and personal for that person that doesn’t have to cost a lot.

How Do Time Pressures Affect People Around the Holidays?

People shouldn’t have to put their lives on pause or totally rearrange their schedules either because of the holidays. Learn to prioritize the invitations you accept and don’t feel that you have to go to every holiday gathering.

How Do You Cope With Kids Who Want Everything For The Holidays and Have No Sense of What Things Cost?

Parents need to tell their children to be realistic. It is OK to say to your child that a certain toy is too expensive. And even Santa Claus has limited funds and has to choose what to give because he has a very long list. You can also tell your children that Mom and Dad and Santa Claus will try to choose the most suitable present for the child. Children have to learn that their wish is not someone’s command and to curb their desires for instant gratification.

What Are Some Good Coping Strategies?

Take stock of your expectations and make sure they’re realistic. Don’t expect more of this time of year than of any other. Take a break from holiday music and television specials if you find that they’re turning you into “Scrooge.”

Most people dread the holidays because their inner experience is so different from what is being hyped. You should trust your own instincts and don’t try to be what you’re not. Keep up your normal routine and know that this day will pass too.

If, however, you are unable to shake what you think are “holiday blues” your feelings may not be about the holidays, but about other things in your life. If you need help in sorting out or dealing with this issue, a psychologist is a person with the training to help you do so. Adopted from http://psychcentral.com/lib/2007/

Top List of Foods That Help in Losing Weight Easily

The very first step we can take for lose weight easily is having a well maintained stocked pantry and refrigerator full of healthy foods and food supplements. When you have all ingredients available at home for making healthy food, you can make it with ease. There are many foods that that are not only good for your health but can also help you in losing extra amount of weight.

Here is the list of foods that really helps you in losing weight with ease:

Potatoes: Potatoes are really big fat burner and have lots of minerals, vitamins and are full of fiber. You don't feel hungry for longer when you have eaten them. Simple portion of potatoes without any extra toppings are really helpful in burning extra amount of fat.
Fruits & Vegetables: Make sure that you take 4-5 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday. They will keep your body full of vitamins and you will feel healthier during the process of losing weight.
Water: Water is really helpful for losing weight and for maintaining over overall health. Experts suggest consumption of high amount of water for losing weight. It is always a good idea to carry water along with fruits when you go out.
Milk: Low fat milk can also be used. One can use low fat milk as a snack between meals.
Carrots: Like low fat milk, carrots can also be used as a healthy snack in between meals.
Eggs: eggs are great source of vitamins. One can use eggs in the breakfast or lunch as a low calorie meal.
Use of herbs and spices: High amount of herbs and spices is recommended for giving lots of flavors to low fat cooked food.
Peanut butter: Use of peanut butter can add lots of vitamins to your diet . One can use it on toast in the morning breakfast. Adopted From http://www.articlesbase.com/weight-loss-articles/

Winter Home Improvement Tips

Heads up! With winter on its way, we start spending more time at home and hence appreciating our indoor atmosphere. These cooler months are perfect for some home improvements, so here are some helpful tips.
  • As the winter is progressing homeowners should plan well in advance. You could plan for upgrading your central heating to reduce maintenance and utility costs. Vents near the floor can be opened and those near the ceiling can be closed for better air circulation. Your heating system should be checked up by the expert.

  • Ventilation should be given attention. Attic insulation should not cover ventilation vents in the eaves, which prevents winter ice dams. Ridge vent and vents at eaves should be free of plants and debris. And if there are holes in rodent and bird screens in attic vents, replace or patch them.

  • The minimum you should do is at least undertake the cleaning of your home rigorously in winter, even if you are not going to improve anything in your home. Vacuuming under and behind freezer and fridge, for example, is necessary to improve efficiency of the units. And chimneys need to be cleaned and checked by chimney sweeps regularly. Decks need to be power-washed and resealed after every 4-5 winters.

  • The older type storm windows should be replaced while you're at it. Reinstall the window latches if they are not working. Repairs of any cracked or broken window panes should be undertaken. Exterior walls should be checked. Pipes and wires should be sealed while outer walls should be checked and filled up so that no air can leak in.

  • Gutters should be clean at all times. If they are rusty, they should be replaced with new aluminum or vinyl gutters. All interior drains should be free of debris. All garden hoses should be removed, drained and coiled. Adopted from http://www.articlesbase.com/home-improvement-articles/winter-home-improvement-tips-255523.html

Get Your Car Ready for Winter

Your Vehicle's Must-Haves
· At all times, it is important to keep a properly inflated spare tire, wheel wrench and tripod-type jack, tool kit and jumper cables in your car. If possible, tow and tire chains and a bag of salt or cat litter ( to use for weight and to help you remove a stuck vehicle) are a good idea too.
· Keep your tank full of gas at all times
· Check brakes, wiring, hoses, adjusting spark plugs and fan belts.
· Air, fuel and emission filters
· Inspect the battery.
· Inspect tires for air, wear and tread depth.
· Keep fluid levels full, especially antifreeze and wiper fluids.

Your Must-Haves
In case you get stuck, there are essential things to keep in your car to help until you get out. Make sure to replenish and restock your supplies, keeping things up-to-date. A good winter driving survival kit should include:
· Working flashlight, extra batteries
· Brightly colored cloth
· Reflective triangles and/or flares (available online or through auto supply stores)
· First aid kit
· Ice scraper and window brush, window cleaner
· Matches (in a waterproof container)
· Scissors
· Rope or string
· Small shovel
· Blanket, extra gloves, hats and socks
· Nuts, hard candy, dried fruit, a small supply of high energy, non-perishable food
· Keep clothing and food in waterproof storage bags
· Bottles of water

Winter Tips for Pet Safety

Here are some tips to help make sure that your dog or cat stays healthy and comfortable during the winter months.
  • Keep pets away from antifreeze solution, and promptly clean up any antifreeze spills. Antifreeze is attractive to pets but is deadly, even in very small amounts.

  • Short-coated dogs (Greyhounds, Dobermans, Boxers and Boston Terriers) should not go outside without a coat or sweater in very cold weather, except to relieve themselves. Small dogs with short coats (Chihuahuas, miniature Pinschers, and miniature Dachshunds) are especially vulnerable to cold, and may not be able to tolerate any outdoor exercise in extremely cold weather.

  • Many dogs also need boots in cold weather, regardless of coat length. If your dog frequently lifts up his paws, whines or stops during its walks, it is demonstrating that its feet are uncomfortably cold. Be sure to get your dog used to wearing boots before the cold weather sets in.

  • If your pet walks on salted sidewalks or streets, be sure to wash his paws after your walk. Salt is very irritating to footpads. Gently rub the bottom of the feet to remove the salt as soon as your dog is off the road.

  • Dogs with long fur on the bottom of their paws often develop ice balls between the pads and toes of the feet. To prevent ice balls from forming, trim the hair around your dog's feet. Apply a small amount of Vaseline, cooking oil, or PAM spray to your dog's feet before taking him for a walk in snow. The oil helps prevent ice balls from sticking. Make sure you use edible oil; most dogs will lick their paws after you apply the oil.

  • Many animals are less active during the winter, and don't as many calories as in the warmer months. Reduce your pet's diet during the winter, to avoid excessive weight gain. You may wish to consult with your veterinarian about the right winter food portions for your pet.

  • Most cats prefer to spend their winter days indoors; be cautious if your cat likes being outside. Don't let it out in bitterly cold weather, and be sure it has a warm place to go if it does spend a lot of time outdoors. Cats that are left outdoors may crawl into a warm car engine to get warm, which can kill them. It's much safer to keep your cat indoors during the winter. Adopted From http://www.i-pets.com/rpet1.html

Letter From Santa

Hello boys and girls, Santa Claus here,Writing a letter to you on the best time of year.My elves are real busy making lots of cool toys,which I will only deliver to good girls and boys.If you want me to bring these great gifts to you,there are a few simple things I need you to do.Mind your parents and do what they tell you to do.Be sweet to your friends; share your toys with them too.Clean up your toys, put them all away,to make room for new ones you'll receive Christmas day.I'll be watching till the night I come to your house.You will not hear me for I am quiet as a mouse.Try to sleep through the night until Christmas day.Then you can see what I brought in my sleigh.I hope you'll be good, I hope that you'll try,so until Christmas Eve, I must say good-bye.
Sincerely,Santa ClausP.S. Please leave my reindeer some carrots, milk and cookies for meAnd I will place lots of goodies under you tree. Adopted http://www.poetryamerica.com

Halloween At Home & On The Street

Celebrating Halloween with costumes, decorations, and trick-or-treating can be a lot of fun for the entire family! To ensure it remains fun for everyone, here are some suggestions to keep the celebration safe and healthy.

First, pre-plan for both your house and your kids. Costumes that are bright and reflective will reduce the tire marks from drivers not seeing ‘halloweeners.’ Use non-toxic, hypoallergenic makeup in place of full-faced masks to prevent vision and breathing problems. Wigs and costumes should also be flame-retardant. Too many children and adults end up in burn units from pranks and ill-suited costumes.

Outdoor decorations can be really cool, but remember you will have children running across your yard. If you plan to be visited by extra-terrestials, goblins, monsters, royalty and superheroes, remember these children cannot actually fly. Unless, of course, they are flying over your yard stuff from not seeing them. Keep your decorations lit or in non-pedestrian areas (such as front lawns and culverts) to reduce potential lawsuits and prevent injuries. Other items you may not think of include flower pots, garden hoses, low tree limbs or roots, and other house and yard items. Find accessories for costumes that are flexible and soft.

For the main event, have a route or location already established. Many of the malls now offer a safe environment along with costume contests for children, as do other organizations. Make sure you have the right batteries for flashlights. Feed your children a good meal prior to going out to reduce the sugar-meal-syndrome when returning with all of their goodies.

And finally, the basic list: warn your children about entering people’s homes or vehicles; do not let your kids use bicycles, rollerblades, or skateboards; don’t let younger children go alone and, if possible, go in ‘herds’ or groups. That works well for the kids and the homeowners; don’t let your children eat anything that is not properly wrapped; only go to homes that have the outside or porch light on. Adapted from http://www.halloweenmagazine.com/articles

Recipe Of The Month

Things Kids Say They Don't Want Their Parents to Do

  • Don't yell out instructions - During the game I'm trying to concentrate on what the coach says and working on what I've been practicing. It's easier for me to do my best if you save instructions and reminders for practice or just before the game.

  • Don't put down my teammates, the coach, or the other team - When you do this you're not giving us a very good example of sportsmanship so we get mixed messages about being "good sports."

  • Don't lose your cool - I love to see you excited about the game, but there's no reason to get so upset that you lose your temper! It's our game and all the attention is supposed to be on us.

  • Don't lecture me about mistakes after the game - Those rides home in the car after the game are not a good time for lectures about how I messed up -- I already feel bad. We can talk later, but please stay calm, and don't forget to mention things I did well during the game!

  • Don't forget how to laugh and have fun - Sometimes it's hard for me to relax and have fun during the game when I look over and see you so tense and worried.

  • Don't forget that it's just a game - Odds are, I'm not going to make a career out of playing sports. I know I may get upset if we lose, but I also know that I’m usually feeling better after we go get a pizza. I need to be reminded sometimes that it’s just a game. Adapted from http://baseballtips.com/print/sideline.html

A Cold vs The Flu

Colds are a nuisance, but they generally don’t interrupt our work or activities. The “flu” is actually a highly contagious, systemic viral infection by one of many strains of the influenza virus. The flu not only infects the nose, throat, and lungs, but its’ symptoms can affect the whole body. There are 40-90 million cases of influenza reported in the US each year. Nearly 110,000 Americans will be hospitalized with flu complications this coming year. Business productivity drastically drops due to flu sick time. Total costs, including time lost from work, etc., exceed $14 billion—all in the four month “influenza season.” It results in 69 million lost days from work and 39 million lost days from school for children. Yet we commonly ignore the seriousness of this illness, brushing it off with a casual, “Oh, it’s just the flu.”

Flu Vaccine

Q:Who should get a flu shot?

A: In my opinion, anyone who wants to resist the flu should get vaccinated, unless they’re allergic to eggs! Vaccines can prevent Infection in seven to nine out of 10 healthy people under 65 years old and in 30 percent of nursing home residents. Yet only about one in three people under 65 and two out of three people over age 65 get vaccinated. Adapted from http://wellnessconnection.wustl.edu/hr

Indiana Fall Festivals

  • Conner Prairie's Headless Horseman - Spend a frightfully fun evening outdoors with haunted hayride, bonfires, games, crafts, storytelling, food and caramel apples. Fishers, IN 46038 - Central Phone: 317.776.6000 Web Page: connerprairie.org

  • Halloween ZooBoo presented by The Sallie Mae Fund - Family friendly spooktacular activities with zoo-style, not-so-scary animal shows, pumpkin bowling, haunted train rides, monster music and more. Indianapolis, IN 46222 - Central Phone: 317.630.2001 Web Page: indianapoliszoo.com

  • The Elvis FANtasy Fest - Fun-packed weekend of entertainment, including games, special guests, vendors, a dance and professional Elvis impersonator contest. Proceeds support Porter County. Phone: 317.844.7354 Web Page: elvisfantasyfest.com

  • Pumpkin Harvest Days - Hayrides, u-pick pumpkins and gourds, petting zoo, buffalo, gem mining, Astro Jump, homemade food, desserts, candies and gift shop. Phone: 812.594.3858 Web Page: coyotecreekfamilyfarm.com Adapted from http://www.in.gov/visitindiana/

Keeping Your Pet Safe From Cold Weather

To protect your pet during the cold months, please follow these safety tips:
  • Keep your pet’s coat well groomed. Matted fur won’t properly protect your pet from the cold.

  • Regularly check your pet’s water to make sure it isn’t frozen. When your pet is outside, make sure there is plenty of fresh drinking water available. Animals can’t burn calories without a fresh supply of water and if they can’t burn calories, they can’t keep warm. Also, use a tip-resistant, ceramic or hard plastic water bowl rather than a metal one, as your pet’s tongue can stick and freeze to cold metal.

  • Use a damp towel to wipe your pet’s feet and underside. Ice-melting chemicals can irritate and burn the pads of your pet’s feet and will cause serious injury if ingested. Another way to protect your dog’s feet is to spray the pads of their feet with cooking spray or you can purchase boots for your pet.

  • Provide a dry, draft-free doghouse if you must keep your dog outside for any period of time. It should be large enough to allow your dog to sit and lay down comfortably, but small enough to hold in his body heat. The floor should be raised a few inches off the ground and covered with cedar shavings or straw. The doghouse should be turned to face away from the wind and the doorway should be covered with waterproof burlap or heavy plastic.

  • Keep an eye on the temperature. When it falls below 20 degrees Fahrenheit, you’ll need to keep all of your pets indoors. Shorthaired dogs, cats and puppies should be kept indoors when the temperature dips below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.. Adapted from http://www.ddfl.org/behavior/winter-tips.pdf

Ways To Protect Your Money Now

Things you can do amid the current financial panic:

  • Check that your bank accounts are federally insured - The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) guarantees deposits up to $100,000 per person. If you have to hold more than that, spread it across multiple banks. As a taxpayer, you are paying for this insurance, so use it.

  • Make sure your brokerage accounts are federally insured - The Securities Investor Protection Corp. (SIPC) guarantees you at places like Lehman Bros. (LEH, news, msgs), Merrill Lynch (MER, news, msgs) and E-Trade Financial (ETFC, news, msgs) up to $500,000, including $100,000 in cash. The same rules apply: If you have more to invest, spread it across multiple firms. Note that the SIPC only makes sure you get your shares and bonds back if a brokerage fails. It does not, obviously, guarantee those investments' value.

  • Set up a home-equity line of credit while you still can - Normally it would not be advisable to take on more debt, but if access to ready cash might be a lifesaver, it's best to line it up now. That's true especially if you are worried about your job. Credit is already tight, and it may get a lot tighter.

  • Refinance your mortgage - The panic on Wall Street just caused a collapse in the interest rate on long-term U.S. Treasury bonds, as lots of investors rushed there for safety. And that usually leads to a fall in long-term mortgage rates.

Traveling With Children

Family vacations are an essential part of living today, and can create wonderful memories that you can cherish for a lifetime. There are a few simple steps that parents can take to make sure everyone is safe and happy while traveling:

  • Pack Right - Depending on their age, children should pack or help pack some of their own things. You may however suggest them what type of clothes (preferably comfortable and loose) they should be carrying. Very useful for everyone in the family are pants that become shorts when the bottom parts zips off. You may think that you need everything but if you are really crunched for space, don't pack anything that you can buy at your destination. Do bring some hand wipes, tissues, books, hard candies, paper and gum, markers, and a surprise toy for each child in a carry on bag.

    • Protect Your Family’s Health - Bring along any medications your family requires, make sure they are well labeled and in their original containers. If you are traveling out of the country, check with the public health authorities if you need to get additional vaccines. They will recommend you the necessary vaccines, depending on where you are traveling to and for what duration. Make sure to get Travel Insurance, no one expects an accident to happen, what if your family is at the beach enjoying your Caribbean vacation and your child cuts his foot open on a rock or you suddenly have an appendicitis attack?

    • Arrive Early at the Airport - Plan your arrival at the airport in such a way that you have plenty of check-in time. This will avoid last minute delays and take away a lot of stress, especially with today tighter security checks. Also, arriving early will allow your family to ensure you have seats together, allow time to purchase any last minute items, and give your little ones time to adjust to new surroundings.

    • Select Seating Carefully - First row in the economy class are best coach seats to fly with children, as you get a lot of leg room. This is essential as you may need to stretch or walk around with the children if they get cranky during the travel. If you are unable to book seats in the first row, place the children between two responsible adults, away from the aisle. Young children should not sit in an aisle seat. The carts used for meals service take up almost the whole aisle, and a small child could get hurt. Sitting near the galley and lavatory can also be convenient, especially if you want a bottle warmed or will be making frequent trips to the bathroom.

    • Keep Them Occupied - Wondering how to keep kids calm and busy on the flight? First off, pacifiers, gum, and bottles will decrease air pressure on the children’s ears. To keep a child interested during a long flight, bring his favorite toys and some new toys to spark their interest. Older children will love to have books, hand held game players or MP3 players to keep them busy. Adapted from http://http://www.travelarticlelibrary.com/

    Practicing Forgiveness - Gift To You

    When we suffer emotional wounds due to the offensive words or actions of others, we may harbor the extremely negative emotions of fear, hatred, resentment and/or pain over an extended period of time. Each time we think about the event that caused us to feel that way, we re-experience it and it becomes a vicious cycle that can become burdensome. To relieve ourselves of that burden, we must forgive.

    To forgive is to let go. To let something go, however, does not mean to condone or to forget the behavior that caused us to experience those emotions in the first place. Forgiving another person is above all, a precious gift we give ourselves. Letting go of those negative emotions by forgiving others is like opening the door to an emotional jail cell in which we have been imprisoned. By forgiving, we acknowledge that we have suffered enough and are ready to rise above the circumstances that resulted in the bad feelings. We can make room in our minds and in our hearts for better things.

    Life really is too short to spend it harboring ill feelings towards those who have wronged us. In the course of our lives, we all experience bad things in one way or another. Our time is better spent not bemoaning why it happened to us, but to glean whatever lesson we can from the event and then focus on the good things in our lives. We all truly deserve that and so much more. Adapted from http://ezinearticles.com/

    Referral Program

    Why Do Children Look Cute to Us?

    We find every child a cute child. We enjoy looking at the children, love playing with them and share their happiness and innocence with joy. Why? Is it only because the child is a lovely child in looks? That is not true. We mainly enjoy being with children and love them because they are honest. We love children because of their innocence. We love children because we are sure that child will not judge us and that we can be totally free with the children without any fear.
    Let us examine our relationship with grown ups. With most of our friends and acquaintances, we are guarded in our approach. We think before speaking. We try to hide most of our true feelings and try to act in a way that we believe will maintain a make believe relationship. How many times, have you thought of shouting at someone, but have refrained from doing so? How many times have you wished to laugh at someone's dressing sense but have stopped that laughter? How many times have you really wanted to tell someone a few things but stopped midway worried that it may spoil the relationship? Please think about the artificial way in which we relate with grown up people. We do all this because we are unsure of ourselves. We are unsure about the other person's reaction and intelligence and we are unsure about the relationship.
    With a child nothing of this kind exists. We are free to express ourselves in as many ways as we wish, without any reservations. That is why we love children and call them cute. - Adapted from http://www.articlesbase.com

    Halting Homework Hassles

    Homework is a child’s responsibility, so we need to be careful how much we help. We want to be aware of what our children are doing and be involved in helpful ways, but not help too much. Avoid the word "we" - it implies that homework is our responsibility. Say, "When are you going to do your homework?" If they are having problems, figure out why.

    If children have a time management problem, teach them how to schedule their time, instead of taking over and reminding them. Ask questions like, "How much time do you need for homework? Would you like to do homework right after school or right after dinner? How can you remember when it is time to do your homework?"

    If children don’t understand homework, ask questions that help them figure out the answer. "What are you supposed to do here? Where in the book does it talk about this?" If children don’t understand the information, we can try explaining it. We do not have to understand what children are learning to be helpful. We just need to know the skills for helping our children find their own answers. If children need daily help, they may benefit from a tutor more than our taking responsibility for helping them. It’s a delicate balance to be helpful, without fostering dependency, rescuing, or helping too much.

    If children forget a book, lunch, or homework, teach organizational skills and use problem solving to let children chose self-reminders. Avoid being their reminder or rescuer. Agree to deliver forgotten items no more than three times per year. After that, the child will need to experience the natural consequence of not having the item.

    If children don’t see the value of homework, avoid lecturing. Ask questions like, "Why do you think the teacher wants you to do homework? How can doing homework help you? What will happen if you don’t do it?" Offer one brief value statement like, "Sometimes people ask us to do things they feel are important but we don’t. At work I have to do what my boss asks me to do. School is your job and teachers are your boss. You need to follow the schools rules, even if you don’t agree with them. As long as they aren’t asking you to do something hurtful or wrong, you need to do what they ask to do your job well."

    When children don’t do homework on purpose, it could be one of four reasons:
    • Children might "act stupid" so teachers (or parents) will pay attention and spend time helping them.
    • Children might want to prove that they have power, by refusing to cooperate. "
    • Children might not do homework to "punish" a disliked teacher.
    • Children may not do their homework because they are so discouraged they have given up.

    Children who have given up on school are experiencing a deeper problem. Listen closely to identify the real issue. This is what needs to be resolved. Have children brainstorm possible solutions. You may enlist professional guidance, if indicated. Adapted from http://ezinearticles.com/

    Recipe Of The Month - Fantastic Baked Beans

    With fall just around the corner I thought you might enjoy this delicious dish. It is great to take to a pitch-in or campfire get-together!

    · Brown 1 lb. hamburger w/ 1 chopped onion.
    · Add 2 stalks of celery finely chopped—cook till tender
    · 1/2 lb. bacon cut into 1/2 inch pieces—cook & drain
    · Mix 1/2 c. ketchup, 1/2 c. brown sugar, 3 Tbsp. vinegar. 1 tsp. prepared mustard, & salt (optional) together.
    · Mix all the ingredients together and add:
    1 can small green lima beans
    1 can kidney beans
    1 can pinto beans
    1 can pork & beans

    Heat in a large pot and then put in a 2 qt. casserole dish. Bake uncovered 325-350 degrees for about 45 minutes. Not your usual baked beans!

    Tire Care and Maintenance Tips

    The most recurring maintenance issue that a vehicle owner has to deal with is tire care. This is because it is quite normal for tires to wear out after constant usage and then they have to be replaced with new ones. However, there are many things that you as a vehicle owner can do to extend the lives of the tires and make use of them more efficiently. While this not only saves you time, money and effort, you are also having a positive effect on the environment. Using more new tires means more old ones go to recycling centers and more energy is expended in producing new tires and recycling. So follow the tips below and see how you can use your vehicle tires better and for longer.
    Some Maintenance Tips:

    A. Maintaining proper tire inflation - A tire that is highly inflated increases stiffness in the tires, which may create unwanted vibration. On the other hand, an under inflated tire, is even more serious, resulting in 'blowouts' that can lead to a sudden loss of control of the vehicle and accidents.

    B. Proper Alignment of Wheels - The way the wheels are set in position relative to the axes of the vehicle is called the wheel alignment and if the alignment is not proper, then the tires will not move freely and instead tend to drag.

    C. Proper Balancing of Tires - If the tire is to run freely and without too much wear and tear, the entire weight of the tire plus the wheel must be uniformly distributed over the circumference of the tire. If not, tires tend to wear more in the heavy spots.

    D. Regular Rotation of Tires - Obviously, not all tires are used in the same manner and to the same extent as others. For example, the front tires tend to work harder because they have to handle the steering action as well as the rolling wear. By regularly rotating tires so that front tires become back and back tires become front, will invariably allow them to run longer.

    E. Proper Storage of Tires - If tires are not to be used for a long duration, then it is essential that they be stored in a proper manner.
    Following these very simple steps regularly and taking your tires for regular inspection will ensure a long and healthy life for them and your vehicle, and safe riding for you.
    Adapted from http://www.articlesbase.com/ By: Richard Crittendon

    Simple Solutions To Stop Cat Scratching

    When you want to make sure that your cat stops murdering your furniture, take some time to consider some of the following options.
    Scratching Post
    This is the most common solution, most likely for the fact that it is one of the best ones that you can get in terms of effectiveness. Cats are natural scratchers, and instead of trying to curb their behavior, many people find that it simply works out better if they give them a place to exercise it. Go for a carpet covered post or a raw wood log and put it in a place where your cat will go. Praise your cat when they use it, and if you want to make them interested in it, try rubbing it with catnip or catnip powder.
    Trimming Your Cat's Nails
    Some cats only scratch lightly or scratch to keep their nails groomed. So if you keep them trim it will cut back on a lot of the scratching. If you go down to the local pet store, or even a local grocery store, they will have pet nail trimmers. To help the process along you should first get your cat used to you handling the paws first. Then, when that's OK, you can trim their claws.
    Soft Paws
    When you want to make sure that your cat isn't going to scratch, take some time and look at Soft Paws, a product which essentially gives you tiny vinyl caps to place over your cat's claws. A small dot of non-toxic adhesive will keep them on, and it essentially prevents your cat's claws from doing any damage. This is a good solution for people who can't be home to monitor their cats at all times.
    Have a cat behavior problem that needs solving? If so, visit http://www.secretsofcats.com today to get expert information on how to train your cat and eliminate cat problems quickly. Adapted from http://www.amazines.com/Pets/

    Walk To Lose Weight!

    Trying to lose weight is a difficult process for many, especially when there is not enough time in the day and if you haven't exercised in a long time getting back into a routine can be tough. Going back to an intense work out can be difficult and hard on your body. The easiest thing you can do and the best place to start is to walk to lose that extra weight. Walking is a low intensity workout that will help your muscles gradually get back into an exercise routine.

    Walking is the easiest and cheapest form of exercise, because we do it everyday. Even couch potatoes have to walk at some point of the day, if it's to the fridge or to get the mail, or even at the grocery store. Adding 30/45 minutes a day of walking can help you lose weight and get in better shape. Taking 3000 steps a day or more is what is recommended to get you started. Purchasing a pedometer will help you reach this goal, and most are small enough to attach to you and no one will notice.

    Start with a slow 30 minute walk 3 or 4 times a week and the best time is before you eat. If you start your morning off with a walk around the block will help wake up your body and give you some morning exercise that will make you feel better that a cup of coffee. Trying taking 10 minute walks around your office a couple times a day to get your muscles moving if you are sitting at a desk all day, this will also give you some energy to make it through those crash periods in between meals.

    After a couple of weeks step up your weight loss by walking a little faster for 45-60 minutes a day. Start with a slow 10 minute walk and then step up the pace for 40 minutes and then your last 10 minutes slow the pace down again for your cool down. If you find that this is helping and you want to take it a little further add some light hand weights during your walk. Start with 2-3 pounds in each hand, if you can lift them up and down over your head over 100 times without to much strain this is a good weight to use. Men can try a 3-4 pound weight to start. As you are walking lift your hands and weights over your head and lower them, this will help your upper body gain some muscle and make you work a little harder. Walking to lose weight is one of the best ways to start getting in shape, it is easy to do and you can go anywhere. http://www.amazines.com/Recreation_and_Leisure/

    Ways To Free Yourself From Financial Struggles

    Self Improvement
    Every parent wants to their child to be better off than they were. We try to instill a good work ethic in our children and teach them how to take advantage of the system, we don't want them to have to work as hard as we did. Even with this kind of support, it is easy to stumble and fall if you don't know what you're doing. Here are a few things you can do to shore things up and start building wealth.

    Cut out Credit Card Debt
    Get rid of the high interest loans first, which will be the credit cards. Then pay off everything else that is considered debt. Now, avoid using credit. If you don't have the cash then you probably don't need it. Yes, there are emergencies that may come up, but other than that credit is no longer an option.

    Start Saving
    Everyone tries to save money, but most end up spending it. To ensure a saving, invest in a 401k. If you never see the money it can't be spent. If you don't have a 401k, here's an easy and effective trick. Write yourself a check, for the first day of each month of the year for 10% of what you make in a month. Take it seriously, just like you were paying any other bill. To make it easier, some banks do this for you. Talk to them, and get it all set up.

    Get an Early Start
    The early bird gets the worm, as the saying goes, and it applies to your financial future as well. By getting involved in saving and investing at an early age, you begin accumulating wealth that will add up to a lot more in the long-term than someone who waits for a few years to get involved.

    Don't Imitate Your Parents
    If you want to escape the lifestyle your parents lived and do better, it is essential that you do things differently than they did. Don't fall into any prescribed societal pressures that you may feel, blaze your own path and don't be afraid to take risks. Adopted from http://www.lowes.com/lowes/

    Easy Fall Lawn Care

    Fall is a great time to give your lawn that extra boost it needs to make it through the winter months. Cool-season grasses especially need a fall feeding to get ready for next spring. Below are a few tips on how to winterize your lawn.


    Cool-season grasses such as ryegrass, fescue, and bluegrass should be fertilized in September, October, or November.

    Warm-season grasses such as Bermuda, Bahia, centipede, St. Augustine, and Zoysia should be fertilized in July, August, or September. Do not over-fertilize centipede. Specially formulated winterizing fertilizers are higher in potassium than regular lawn food. Potassium is the nutrient that makes grasses more winter hardy. Winterizers should be applied as the last fertilizer application of the growing season.

    Controlling Lawn Disease, Weeds, and Insects - To help prevent lawn diseases during the fall and winter, be sure to remove leaves from your yard. Leaves left on the lawn encourage disease by preventing sunlight and air from reaching the grass. Either rake the leaves and add them to a compost pile, or go over them with a mulching mower, chopping them into a fine compost for your grass.

    For weed control during the winter months, apply a pre-emergence weed killer. Some products feature a combination fertilizer and weed killer, called weed and feed.

    Mowing and Watering - There is no need to water your warm-season lawn during the winter - most grasses go into dormancy. Before putting the warm-season lawn to bed for the winter, lower the mower to an inch below normal setting and use a grass catcher attachment. This will pick up any weed seeds in the lawn and the closer cut will allow for better air circulation.

    Mulching and Composting - The best time to mulch is early fall, spring and summer. Mulch retains heat and moisture. For best results throughout the growing season, use a lawn mower that can be easily converted from a mulcher to a bagging unit or leaf shredder. Get started on a home compost program Save lawn waste (which includes grass clippings, shredded leaves and chopped brush) for the compost bin.

    Winter Green - With the first freeze, a warm season lawn begins to change from green to brown. This period of dormancy is part of the natural life cycle of turfgrass. If you find an amber field undesirable, there is a choice. Fall is a great time to overseed your dormant lawn to maintain a green appearance.

    Overseed with annual or perennial ryegrass or blends of cool season grasses. Bermuda grass tolerates overseeding better than Zoysia, centipede, or St. Augustine. Time the overseeding 2-4 weeks before the first killing frost. Annual ryegrass is often chosen because of its quick rate of germination. Perennial ryegrass is more tolerant of cold, disease, and drought.

    Ground Covers - There are options for locations in your yard that may be too shady or moist to grow healthy grass. Fall is a great time to plant perennial ground covers such as mondo grass, liriope and juniper to fill the void. They will cover the area year-round and reduce the amount of grass you must maintain.
    Adapted from http://www.amazines.com/article_detail.cfm/

    Give A Hug For Happiness

    So for a little motivation to increase your happiness, here are the top five reasons to hug somebody today:
    · Save on your heating bills (good for the environment, too!).
    · Keep your shnookums from eating that extra piece of double-fudge choco-blaster cake.
    · Hugging sure beats crying.
    · The warm glow of a good hug lasts for hours.
    So go forth and hug somebody. No, not the parking lot attendant. But hug someone who wants to be hugged, and see if you might just bump each of your happiness up a notch Adapted from https://www.amazines.com/Motivation/

    A Mom's Back-To-School Guide For Children's Success

    As the back-to-school season approaches, parents want their children to start the school year on the right foot. It's important for parents to prepare their children by offering advice and tools that will further their academic careers. Texas Instruments and Working Mother Magazine have teamed up to offer busy moms tips and guidance to help their children make a successful transition into the new school year and beyond.

    Today's economy makes a solid high school education critical to ensure children can successfully compete for jobs in the real world after high school and college. In particular, strong math skills are increasingly important for a student's future success. Research shows that by the time today's high school students graduate from college, more than six million jobs will require a strong background in math, science or engineering -- 24 percent more than just a few years ago.(1)

    "The importance of parental support hit home for me when both of my children were completing high school and my oldest was applying for college," said Carol Evans, CEO and founder of Working Mother Media, including Working Mother magazine. "I learned that it is critical to use every tool and resource available to motivate and help children gain a strong educational foundation, especially in math, that will further their success."

    Parents like Evans know that every student needs a comprehensive education to be successful after graduation. The following are tips parents can use to get ready for back-to-school for their tweens and teens.

    • Take advantage of available educational tools and resources for your
    • Make sure your child has the right tools in math.
    • Unlike the calculators we grew up with, graphing calculators are math learning tools used from middle school through high school. Research has shown that students who use a graphing calculator at home and in class do better in math(2), like the TI-Nspire
      graphing calculator from Texas Instruments designed with computer features that help students better visualize math concepts for a deeper understanding.
    • Ensure your child is prepped for the SAT* or ACT exams that are so important in today's competitive college admissions.
    • Many parents are not aware that graphing calculators such as the TI-Nspire graphing calculator can be used on college entrance exams and students who use these calculators on tests can have a huge leg up.
    • Students should check out The Princeton Review for test prep resources that can prepare them for college entrance exams. They even offer free test prep questions that can be downloaded to students' Texas Instruments graphing calculators.
    • Take advantage of homework help.
    • There are many study group and tutoring options to help your child. Online resources, like Tutor.com, are available any time our child needs help -- on their schedule, not on yours. You should also check with your child's school for more options.
    • Communicate the value of math education: Math is important regardless of what your teen wants to be in life. In fact, studies show that people with strong math backgrounds are more likely to be employed and earn more.
    • Get to know your child's guidance counselor and teachers: At the beginning of the school year, become acquainted with your child's guidance counselors and teachers and stay in touch -- they're a wealth of information and can ensure that your child is taking challenging classes in order to be prepared for a successful future.
    • Set education and life goals with your children: Before school starts, work with your child to create a list of goals they want to accomplish during the coming semester, school year and beyond. Discuss careers and make sure they're choosing the courses they need to achieve their goals. Make it a priority to set goals and to help them succeed in school, not just for good grades but also for the fulfillment of their dreams. Post them in a visible spot and review them with your child regularly to ensure you are both on track.
    • Make their knowledge applicable to the real world: Help them see how what they learn in school is important in real life, like how they can use math skills every day to make better financial choices and even budget their allowances.

    "An understanding of math prepares students for the future and encouragement from parents is vital," said Melendy Lovett, president of TI's Education Technology business. "In joining forces with Carol Evans and Working Mother, Texas Instruments is excited to provide parents the tips and tools essential to guiding their children to a successful school year and a rewarding future." - Adapted from http://www.newscom.com

    Ways For Kids To Earn Money

    Thinking of ways for kids to earn money before they are old enough to have a regular job can seem like a challenge.

    Years ago, before child labor laws, it was so normal for kids to be working alongside adults that the very thought of looking for ways for kids to make money would have been ridiculous! Sometimes, the money earned by kids kept a family from starvation.

    We live in better times now. There is usually plenty to eat, and we expect our kids to focus on their education, not support the family.

    However, the school system in the Western world is highly geared to producing good employees. There are real risks if you leave your child's financial education to the so-called "education experts". Remember that the teachers, the inspectors, the administrators, the people who write the curriculum guidelines, and the politicians who make the laws about education are all, themselves, employees. Many of them have never been anything else.

    It's up to parents to instill that good old-fashioned value of self-reliance, and encourage kids to get out and make money for themselves.

    Kids can do all sorts of things to earn money. The only limit is your imagination.

    • Babysitting
    • Baking for busy working mothers
    • Collecting aluminium cans
    • Cleaning swimming pools
    • Gardening
    • Letter-box leaflet drops
    • Running errands
    • Dog washing
    • Selling things on eBay
    • Making jewellery
    • Making My Space backgrounds
    • Busking
    • Collecting for charity on commission
    • Buying bulk candy and selling individual pieces
    • Entertainers at kids' parties
    • Exercising horses
    • Breeding rats (or other pets)
    • Comic book rental library
    • Toy rental library
    • Collecting lost golf balls
    • Washing cars... and hundreds more!

    Not so long ago, kids didn't need to look for ways to earn money, because 95% or more of the population were self-employed. People worked on their own farms, in retail, or in cottage industries. Kids grew up surrounded by commerce, watching the exchange of valuable services for money, and inhaling the principles of adding value and making a profit with their every breath.

    These days, the majority of people depend on someone else's entrepreneurial spirit to generate revenue and pay them a wage directly, or they are indirectly relying on those same business owners because they work for a government funded by taxing the private sector and its employees.

    With this shift from enterprise to job-seeking has come a corresponding shift from self-reliance to dependence. We have almost lost the ability to take care of ourselves financially.

    Most people are expecting an employer or the government to take care of them when they can no longer work. Or, worse, they aren't even thinking about how they might survive financially beyond this year, this month, or even this week.

    Basic entrepreneurship should be part of every child's education. But we can't expect the employees who teach in schools to pass on skills they don't have. As with the other crucial life skills like dental hygiene, eating right, and avoiding poisons, teaching the skills of money and business is very much the parent's responsibility. Help your kids to find ways to earn money, and build their skills for life. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

    Recovering From Travel in a Pool

    Traveling for many people can be very stressful. Whether you are traveling for business purposes or for a vacation with your family, between the reservations that must be made, check-in and check-out times at your hotel, traffic and/or airplane crowds, there are many instances where people begin to wonder what on earth they were thinking when they decided to take a particular trip. Although vacations are meant to be relaxing, they can often add to the stress that many people already feel.

    A wonderful way to recover from your traveling experience is to laze in a pool. If you have a pool on your property then you likely already know the relaxing benefits that having a swimming pool entail. The simple pleasure of swimming or simply floating along with nothing to consider but keeping your head above water is unlike anything else in the world. Even for those who are typically not considered water people, having the ability to relax and unwind in a swimming pool can leave you completely refreshed after a stressful travel period.

    Recovering from travel in your own pool can give you the energy and rejuvenation that you need to get yourself back on track. Even if your travel was for pleasure, you will still likely have side-effects of stress and anxiety. These may result from the high prices of travel these days or from a particular episode that happened while you were away. People who travel for business purposes are typically known for their high stress and anxiety levels, due to constant meetings and deadlines. Even traveling to beautiful and tropical destinations can leave you feeling stressed and anxious is you are constantly attending meetings and/or seminars.

    When you have a swimming pool installed, you are giving yourself the greatest relaxation aspect that you can have at home. With little maintenance required, swimming pools give us back that wonderful feeling of being free. While floating on the water you can completely free your mind and thoughts and concentrate on nothing in particular. Swimming has been used as a rehabilitation method for years for those who need to learn relaxation methods and who have difficulties controlling their anxiety levels.

    Whether you are an avid swimmer or you simply enjoy the feel of the water, you can swim away your stress in no time. Generally speaking, traveling even for enjoyable purposes can leave you feeling completely exhausted. The trip itself will take more of your energy than you may realize. While you may find yourself energetic during the actual trip, once you return home your exhaustion will catch up with you and you may feel completely spent.

    If you are among those who travel frequently and find yourself occasionally facing stress related issues due to finances, business or any other reason, then a swimming pool can help you considerably. Just imagine yourself lazing on a pool float thinking of nothing in particular but simply enjoying the cool water and the bright sunlight. In fact, many homeowners choose to have their pools operable at night so that they can enjoy the stars while relaxing. Nighttime swimming is one of the best forms of relaxation in the world.

    Simply gazing at the stars while floating along in your pool can rejuvenate your body and mind and give you the energy that you need to get on with your otherwise busy and stress filled life. After you have returned home from your traveling, taking a dip in your pool is the best way to recover. Just don't forget to unpack your bags once you are finished with your relaxing swim. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

    Recipe Of The Month

    Increase Car MPG - 9 Effective Ways

    There are a lot of methods to Increase Car MPG or rather increase gas mileage, you probably have read or heard all the methods somewhere, since they sound so trivial, you might be ignoring it. Some of them do not work and some of them work, if you just implement four to five of these methods consistently, saving hundreds a year is not impossible.

    Tuning up your engine, this does a big effect to increase gas mileage (incorrect fuel ratio, spark timing and plugs can affect the MPG of your car)

    Stop turning on the engine when you are not driving and avoid stop you might want to take alternative routes (traffic jam is bad for your emotional state and your car MPG, and indirectly affect your income)

    Use a good oil (synthetic oil with a friction that reduces oil additive has been proven to increase car MPG by 10%)

    Reduce weight in your car (forbid people to take a ride!!, I mean remove unnecessary objects from your car)

    Make use your cruise control whenever it is possible

    Reducing resistance while traveling, pay attention whether your tires are properly inflated

    Never Use Your air conditioner (I know it is impossible, but you can use it less, right?)

    Help your engine overcome the gravity while climbing hill, you only need to close your windows

    Can You keep your highway speed at 55-60 mph? It could increase gas mileage by 25% (are you shocked? Everyone knows it is tough)

    Do they sound very hard to implement? Increase car MPG by doing them consistently would be tough, you might be able to do it in the first two weeks but after that, I am sure most people will give up.
    There is no reason for you to lose hope though, you can increase car MPG with a hidden secret method (actually it is well known), which is to run car on water.

    Is it possible to run car on water?
    Yes, it is. In fact this technology was invented 80 years ago but it was kept secret because of some political reasons. Today with the power of the internet, people can get the guide easily and enjoy their life, in which they do not have to worry about rising gas price.

    Running car on water with hydrogen on demand system can increase gas mileage by 100%, it has been proven. As a matter fact, CNN has interviewed a guy that has managed to convert his car to run on water and save hundreds of Dollars every month.

    Amazingly you do not have to spend $1000 instead you only need to spend $150 for a complete hydrogen on demand system. The interesting part is that you can claim your IRS tax refund (for driving a more environment friendly car) and keep even more money in your pocket. What would you do if you can increase car MPG and save money massively? Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

    Steps to Saving Your Relationship

    Something has changed. Somehow over time that spark you felt every time your loved one walked in to the room has become a mere smoldering ember. You want to feel that excitement again, to rekindle the love and passion you once felt, but how?

    Chances are you're not alone, your partner feels the same way. How can you come back together and bring back the love you once shared? Begin with these simple steps to get you love life back on track and rekindle your love.

    1) Make an honest evaluation of your personal situation. Are there issues bothering you that are getting in the way of your relationship. Troubles at work, stress induced by children or other family members, financial issues will all have a negative effect on a relationship. Discover what the issues are and begin working to resolve them.

    2) Notice what brings joy to your partner. Is it spending quality time together, doing things around the house and lending a hand when needed or is it just acknowledging all they do in the relationship? Reinforce any activity that supports their joy and your own joy is sure to follow.

    3) Understand what your partner needs from you. If you aren't clear on what your partner needs, you may continue to provide them with things you would desire yet they have no interest in. If you're unsure of what your partner needs in your relationship, there is a special way to find out, ask them! The simple act of asking lets them know you are interested in their needs and fulfilling them. Listen carefully and be sure not to judge, remember these are your partner's needs.

    4) Know what you need from your partner. If you gain clarity of your own needs you'll begin to make those your focus and will begin moving towards them. Once your find clarity and you have performed the previous steps you have opened the door to lovingly share your needs with your partner. By now they may have taken your lead and asked you what they are!

    5) Make time for each other. Too often we get caught up in our work routines or our children's activities to really spend time together. In any healthy relationship we need to recharge our batteries and refill our "love tanks". This is the time to really be together to stay involved emotionally.

    6) Make your relationship a priority. For any skill set to evolve requires several things. Attention, education and perseverance are always required and relationships are no different. Attend a marriage conference, read books about relationship skills and always work towards making your relationship better. Never take your relationship for granted, complacency is usually the first step in a failed relationship.

    7) Be grateful every day for your partner. Make it a point to realize all that is positive about your relationship and your partner at least twice daily. Share your gratitude regularly with your partner.

    Enjoy every day, love your partner with all your heart and live the life you desire and deserve...together. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

    Things to Consider Before Buying a Pet

    Many families have pets, and sometimes the first trigger for getting a pet is that your children are begging you for one. Take time to consider all the angles before jumping into pet ownership as there is a lot to deal with.

    Pets become a natural part of your family. Not as critical as the life of your children, but still very important. Treat them humanely. That means making sure they get enough to eat, have a good place to sleep, get enough exercise and are not beaten severely. Pets need to be trained and need to learn how to behave around people and other animals. You will likely need to spend a lot of time training them not to destroy property, how to know the difference between strangers and people in your circle of life, and learn the general rules of your house (like not peeing on the floor). Training is time consuming and expensive if you have it done by an outside agency.

    Don't forget about the high cost of foot. Pet food is very costly and even though there are occasional coupons and sales, you'll be spending hundreds of dollars a year on feeding your pet. Then there's the medical bills. Pets get sick and injured just like people do. Most people don't have pet insurance so you'll want to budget for Vet bills as well.

    What about when you're on vacation? Someone must look after your animals. You can ask a friend or family member to look in on your pets regularly, or you can pay for a boarding service. Either way having a pet adds another layer of inconvenience to your vacation planning, and sometimes a layer of expense.

    Don't get the impression that I don't want you to have pets. I think they're wonderful and had several dogs as a child. But they were a lot of responsibility and unfortunately many people discover too late how expensive and laborious pet ownership can be. As a result many animals are neglected and abused, something I don't want to see happen.

    Before you venture into pet ownership please consider if your family is ready to handle all that comes with it. The love will be tremendous and so will the work. - Adapted from http://EzineArticles.com

    Happiness is a Choice We Make

    If we want to be healthy we need to do more than have a wholesome diet and exercise, as important as those things are.

    We also need a healthy mindset.

    Sometimes this is easier said than done. Every day we are bombarded with bad news. I've heard CNN called "constant negative news" and I have to agree with that!

    Developing the habit of thinking positively and having the right attitude comes from the people we choose to associate with, from the books we read, the things we listen to, and most of all, from our own choice to be happy.

    Happiness and contentment really are decisions we make.

    It's common for people to say "if I could just find the right mate I would be happy" or "when I get a good job I will be happy." That is backwards. We need to be happy and content FIRST and then these things will come to us.

    It's important to be grateful also. Spending just a few minutes each day, preferably in the morning, thinking of things we are grateful for can start the day off on a positive note which can carry you through the rest of the day with the right attitude.

    Have you ever noticed how positive successful people are? They aren't positive because they are successful, but rather they became successful because of their good attitude.

    One of the life changing things for me happened when I first listened to The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale. His message was simple, but very profound.

    It all came down to this: We become what we think about.

    I discovered later that Earl first recorded that message in the 1950s! Yet only recently has this idea become popular, it was with the release of The Secret, which you may have heard about.

    iIt is vitally important to have the right thinking, not only to have the blessings and the life we really deserve, but for our health.

    Worry, anger, resentment, and other negative emotions can and do have a detrimental effect on both our physical and mental health.

    And besides.... it really is more fun to be positive than negative! - Adapted from http://EzineArticles.com

    The History of July 4th

    Independence Day in the U.S., is an annual holiday commemorating the formal adoption by the Continental Congress of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, in Philadelphia. Although the signing of the Declaration was not completed until August, the Fourth of July holiday has been accepted as the official anniversary of U.S. independence and is celebrated in all states and territories of the U.S.

    The holiday was first observed in Philadelphia on July 8, 1776, at which time the Declaration of Independence was read aloud, city bells rang, and bands played. It was not declared a legal holiday, however, until 1941. The Fourth is traditionally celebrated publicly with parades and pageants, patriotic speeches, and organized firing of guns and cannons and displays of fireworks; early in the 20th century public concern for a "safe and sane" holiday resulted in restrictions on general use of fireworks. Family picnics and outings are a feature of private Fourth of July celebrations. Addopted From www.history.com

    Things to Avoid On Your Wedding

    There is nothing worse than a wedding that ends up as a total disaster. You've spent a lot of money, your family and friends have shared their time and experience. The perfect wedding isn't always easy to pull off. It takes a lot of work to make that special day a lot of fun.

    Experts on weddings all give tips and information on how to have a perfect wedding. What they sometimes neglect is the things you should avoid completely. Here are a few tips about things not to do to make your wedding better.

    Spend Way Too Much Money On Your Wedding

    Many couples make this mistake, and it can ruin your entire wedding, and years into your marriage. A perfect wedding isn't about spending thousands of dollars. It isn't the price of the wedding that makes it a success. Your guests aren't going to ask you how much you spent on china and catering. (If they do, you have permission not to answer.)

    Develop a budget and stick to it. If you plan far enough in advance, you can have the wedding you want without spending a lot of money. Don't spend money where you don't need it. Write down what's most important to you at the wedding, and research ways to save money on your wedding, so you can save or spend the money as you want later.

    Forgetting What Will Make It Fun For You

    You and your other half have worked hard to get to this moment. You've made a commitment to each other, and you know those little quirks and the individual personalities. Does this come through in your wedding? Is this wedding simply filled with things and objects?

    Who says the bride has to wear white? Who says the cake has to be traditional? Who says you have to be inside a church? Weddings are not about tradition any more. It's about a wonderful day, shared with family and friends, as they join you in celebrating becoming husband and wife. Forget tradition if that's not what will make it a special day for you. Do what you want.

    Using Just Anyone In Your Wedding

    Too many people quickly pick a Master of Ceremonies, a DJ, caterers, without spending time with them. That's crazy! You never know what the person might say or do. He could be so boring. That caterer could be completely rude. You simply don't know if you don't talk to the people before hand.

    Don't pick out a DJ, or a preacher or anyone else involved in your ceremony or involved in the reception based on rates alone. Get referrals from everyone, and talk to each of your options. Get to know them a little bit and you'll find a personality match.

    Disorganization On All Sides

    The reason why many couples spend much more than they really should have on a wedding is usually due to disorganization. Party favors get bought early on, and then are misplaced and have to be repurchased. That location you wanted, you delayed on getting and now it is no longer available.

    It happens at many weddings. Probably the worst offense being tuxes rented too late or wedding rings being misplaced. Such small things can be so much trouble. Help yourself and your loved ones by

    Rainy Day Wedding

    Too many people neglect to check the weather and make separate preparations in case there is going to be rain. Check the weather in your area the week before. You could actually save yourself some trouble by picking beautiful indoor locations for the wedding ceremony and reception.

    Celebrating The Night Before Or The Morning Of

    A huge mistake made by a lot of bride and grooms or friends of the bride and groom is the huge celebration made the night before. It's common, especially for friends of the groom, to go out and drink and celebrate the night before. However, the disasters that have occurred because of this are plentiful in wedding history.

    Think before going out the night before. If you're planning a celebration, consider having it two or more nights before the wedding. Let the few days and nights before the wedding be relaxing.

    Not Doing The Wedding Planning As A Couple

    All too often, the bride takes over most of the wedding planning, leaving the groom with nothing to do. This is a common mistake. The wedding is just as much for the groom as it is for the bride. Let him pick out a few things he'd like in the wedding as well.

    Ask him what he'd like to help out with. Make sure he gets to choose elements that will make it a special day for him too. Working on this together can help strengthen the relationship as well.

    Being The Star And Asking Too Much

    Yes, the bride is usually the star of the wedding, but does that mean that it has to be all about you? Ask for too much from your wedding party , and you could be left disappointed and losing friendships. Take it easy, girl. Remember why you're inviting your closest family and friends to the wedding, or asking for their help. Be kind to them.

    Too Many Cooks In The Kitchen Syndrome

    Everyone wants to be involved in the wedding planning, both mother-in-laws to be, best friends, sisters, cousins, etc. Everyone wants to contribute because they want to feel they mean something to the bride and groom. In some cases, it can get too overwhelming. Remain organized and in charge of your wedding. Pass out assignments to those who want one, and keep it that way.

    Is This A Wedding Or Just A Fancy Party?

    Weddings don't have to be traditional, but some people forget the meaning behind the wedding. It's about the couple coming together as husband and wife, and sharing that moment with close friends and family. Make it special for everyone.

    Addopted From http://www.1888articles.com

    Recipe Of The Month

    It Will be here by the 4th

    Walking a Dog On A Leash

    Easy to use steps that will help you train your dog to walk properly on a leash See also dog training collars and teaching your dog to be off leash

    It is not rare to see a dog owner being pulled wildly around on the end of a leash while on the other end; their dog is charging ahead into the great outdoors, oblivious that he’s doing anything wrong. Taking a walk with your dog should be an enjoyable experience for both of you. More frequently it becomes a tug of war between you and your dog that is frustrating on both ends of the leash.

    Training your dog walking on a leash is very important for every dog. Allowing your dog to pull you around is not only uncomfortable for you, but it can be very dangerous for your dog and it only reinforces his bad walking behavior. When you start training your dog for walking on a leash, you'll find that walks are much more enjoyable for you and your pooch.

    Equipment for Dog Training Walking on a Leash

    When you train your dog to walk on a leash, it’s important to use the correct equipment. There are two main types of leashes that are widely used. One is a retractable leash and the other is a plain leash made of nylon or leather.

    While teaching your dog how to walk on a leash, you’ll want to use a plain leash. You can use nylon or leather, but leather will give you the most control. These leashes come in a variety of lengths, for a large dog, you’ll want a leash no longer than 5 feet. If the leash is any longer than that, it will be difficult to maintain control of your dog. Once your dog is adept at walking on a regular leash, you can try walking him on a retractable leash.

    Retractable leashes are nice to use once your dog can walk properly on a leash. Don’t use a retractable leash to teach your dog how to walk because it gives him mixed signals on how far ahead of you he can go without pulling. Also, retractable leashes by their very nature give you less control of your dog. Save this type of leash for when your dog is well behaved while walking.

    Communication is Key to Dog Behavior Leash Training
    Leash training is the ultimate in communication with your dog. When you’re on a walk together, you and your dog have the different goals – your dog wants to collect new smells and chase squirrels and birds, while you just want him to get some exercise and use the bathroom already. Training your dog to walk properly on a leash means that your dog will do what you want him to do and he’ll see that he can still get some smells in along the way.

    Your Dog Walking on a Leash

    Part One: Prevent Pulling
    1. Take your dog to an open area and place your dog on his leash.

    2. Begin walking with your dog.

    3. When your dog begins pulling you in a particular direction, give your dog’s leash a little tug and begin walking in the opposite direction of where he’s pulling you.

    4. When your dog comes easily in the opposite direction and he doesn’t pull you forward, reward him with praise.

    5. Continue walking and do the turnaround whenever your dog begins to pull.

    6. The first time you do this with your dog, it will take him a little while to figure out that pulling gets him nowhere. When you walk your dog after this exercise, do the turnaround whenever necessary.

    Part Two: Stay on Track

    This part will help you when your dog sees something worth chasing and he pulls you off of your course toward an object.

    1. When your dog pulls you off of your path, say “No” while using a firm voice.

    2. At the same time, sharply tug your dog’s leash to place him back on the path.

    3. When your dog moves forward or looks at you or looks forward on the path, reward him with praise and a treat.

    4. Do this every time your dog attempts to derail you from your path while walking. Over time, it will only take you saying “No” for him to ignore the distraction and continue walking forward.

    Part Three: Stop and Start

    While walking in your neighborhood or anywhere else, you’ll probably need to stop and start a few times through the walk. That’s where this part of the method comes in.

    1. When you need to stop at a traffic light or for another reason, stop your dog with a tug on his leash and say “Wait.”

    2. Give your dog the Sit command.

    3. When it’s okay for him to resume walking, say “Let’s go” and pull his leash forward while you walk.

    4. Your dog will quickly learn what the spoken commands mean, and over time he will immediately hesitate at street crossings or other places where you normally stop and start. Addopted From http://www.thedogtrainingformula.com

    Easy Weight Loss Tips

    You know you are experiencing yo-yo dieting, but do not know how to stop it! It is time to get your balance back. The following easy weight loss tips will help you lose weight in a healthy way.

    Find out how many calories you need

    BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

    BMR [kcal]

    Body Weight [lb] x 15 + (moderate activity [mins/day] x 3.5)

    Since you wish to lose weight, your target = BMR - 500 kcal

    For instance, you weigh 140 lb and you perform 20 mins of moderate activity every day. BMR of this example = (140 x 15) + (20 x 3.5) = 2100 + 70 = 2170 kcal. BMR minus 500kcal; it would be 2170 - 500 = 1670 kcal. Therefore 1670 kcal is the target in this example to losing 1 lb per week.

    Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day

    Fruits and vegetables are packed with beneficial fibers, vitamins and antioxidants. They fill up your stomach fast so you feel full earlier. They are also low in calories and help to keep your calorie count low.

    Watch for Portion Size

    One serving of pasta means 1/2 cup of cooked pasta. However, most restaurants serve a pasta dish with 4 servings of pasta!!! You do not need to finish and clean off the plate every time. You can simply ask to take home the leftover.

    Do not Skip Meals

    Eating small frequent meals help to balance your calorie intake throughout the day and also keeps your blood sugar level balanced. Instead of eating 3 big meals, try to eat 5 - 6 smaller meals throughout the day.

    Go for wholesome fresh foods

    If possible, purchase fresh foods and avoid package (processed) and convenient foods such as fast food. Packaged and convenient foods are often higher in sodium and fat content. Many people we spoke to are amazed that they can easily lose weight by packing a home-cooked lunch to work instead of eating out.

    Don't be overly-restrictive

    Everyone has his or her favorite treats. Simply allow yourself a little indulgence, but watch out for the frequency and the quantity. Having a small treat once in a while can be rewarding to your weight loss experience. Cutting too much of your favorite treats usually lead to an early relapse.

    Understand Food Claims and Labels

    A product labeled with a fat-free claim does not mean that it is low in calories. Similarly a product labeled as low-sugar or low-carb does not mean it is low in fat or calories. Always read the nutrition label on the packaging.

    Watch for the sugary drinks

    Juices, pop, cream & sugar in your coffee or tea all add up. Opt for drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. In addition to providing hydration to your body, it will also help you feel full.

    Keep a food journal

    Keeping a food journal helps you pin point your eating pattern and will enable you to easily modify it. If possible, have your Registered Dietitian review your journal.

    Exercise, period

    Most authorities recommend 30 - 60 minutes of physical activity a day to stay healthy. Also try adding weight-bearing exercises at least 2 times a week. This will help burn some of the unwanted calories. Addopted From http://www.healthcastle.com