Steps to Saving Your Relationship

Something has changed. Somehow over time that spark you felt every time your loved one walked in to the room has become a mere smoldering ember. You want to feel that excitement again, to rekindle the love and passion you once felt, but how?

Chances are you're not alone, your partner feels the same way. How can you come back together and bring back the love you once shared? Begin with these simple steps to get you love life back on track and rekindle your love.

1) Make an honest evaluation of your personal situation. Are there issues bothering you that are getting in the way of your relationship. Troubles at work, stress induced by children or other family members, financial issues will all have a negative effect on a relationship. Discover what the issues are and begin working to resolve them.

2) Notice what brings joy to your partner. Is it spending quality time together, doing things around the house and lending a hand when needed or is it just acknowledging all they do in the relationship? Reinforce any activity that supports their joy and your own joy is sure to follow.

3) Understand what your partner needs from you. If you aren't clear on what your partner needs, you may continue to provide them with things you would desire yet they have no interest in. If you're unsure of what your partner needs in your relationship, there is a special way to find out, ask them! The simple act of asking lets them know you are interested in their needs and fulfilling them. Listen carefully and be sure not to judge, remember these are your partner's needs.

4) Know what you need from your partner. If you gain clarity of your own needs you'll begin to make those your focus and will begin moving towards them. Once your find clarity and you have performed the previous steps you have opened the door to lovingly share your needs with your partner. By now they may have taken your lead and asked you what they are!

5) Make time for each other. Too often we get caught up in our work routines or our children's activities to really spend time together. In any healthy relationship we need to recharge our batteries and refill our "love tanks". This is the time to really be together to stay involved emotionally.

6) Make your relationship a priority. For any skill set to evolve requires several things. Attention, education and perseverance are always required and relationships are no different. Attend a marriage conference, read books about relationship skills and always work towards making your relationship better. Never take your relationship for granted, complacency is usually the first step in a failed relationship.

7) Be grateful every day for your partner. Make it a point to realize all that is positive about your relationship and your partner at least twice daily. Share your gratitude regularly with your partner.

Enjoy every day, love your partner with all your heart and live the life you desire and deserve...together. Article Source: