It's Spring - Get Outdoors!

Promoting an Active Lifestyle, Family Ideas and Inspiration

It's officially Spring. The birds are singing, the bees are buzzing, the air is warm and fresh, and the flower bulbs you planted last fall are beginning to poke through the ground. And the kids are - where?

In too many cases they are inside, glued to a TV or computer screen. In today's technologically-charged society, many kids who can recite entire scripts from their favorite shows are unlikely to know that pine cones come from pine trees. In fact, according to the Sierra Club, children today spend less time playing outdoors than any previous generation. Why is this? Well, part of it is that children's "free time" - which used to be spent in unstructured play activity - has declined a whopping 9 hours per week over the past 25 years.

Numbers show that the unstructured play activity that they do have is spent indoors. Consider this: almost 50% of 4-to-6 year olds have TVs in their bedrooms, & kids between the ages of 8 & 18 spend an average of 6.5 hours per day with electronic media. Alan Gass, MD, an Advisory Board member for Healthcorps (, an organization which works to educate kids in forming healthy habits, notes, "Now, everything's electronic; there's a pull in the other direction. There's really no value in the chatting, being on the internet, watching TV - there's really zero value in that."

The benefits of outdoor play are many. Besides the physical benefit of better health and fitness, experts cite behavioral and even academic benefits derived when kids spend a healthy dose of time outside having fun. Michael Casaus, the New Mexico Youth Representative for Sierra Club's "Building Bridges to the Outdoors" program, says "We can cite studies that have been done that show that kids who go through outdoor education programs improve science scores by 27 percent. Grade point averages go up, kids behave better in the classroom - there are real tangible benefits."

How can parents encourage reluctant kids to get outside? Here are a few ideas:

Go with them. Parents who set an example for their kids of enjoying the outdoors just might find that their kids love it, too. Casaus says, "We really encourage parents to take their kids into the outdoors. That's an excellent way to ensure that they're getting those outdoor experiences." And Gass adds, "If the kid's not going to be motivated, the responsibility falls on the parent to create a scenario that would allow them to be outside." Basically, if kids don't know what to do with themselves outside at first, parents should go outside too - and walk to the park, play ball, get to a playground, pick flowers, or go for a bike ride - together.

Plan daily "Green Time. " This is a time when the kids know you expect them to be outside playing. For example, "You can watch TV for one hour & then you're going outside until lunch." If time is allocated daily for outside play, all you have to do is follow the "routine."

Take advantage of outdoor programs. Casaus adds, "We do recognize as well that parents are extremely busy, and as part of that we really encourage families to research and get their kids in outdoor education programs." Every state has them - summer camps, organized sports like T-ball, baseball and soccer, swim lessons, nature exploration programs and much more. The YMCA and local community education programs also often offer children's outdoors programs during the spring and summer. Adopted from

Funny Running Quotes

A Collection of Funny Quotations About Running. Runners have a unique sense of humor. Get some laughs from these funny running quotes.

  • "The only reason I would take up jogging is so that I could hear heavy breathing again." - Erma Bombeck

  • "You have to forget your last marathon before you try another. Your mind can't know what's coming. " - Frank Shorter

  • “It hurts up to a point and then it doesn't get any worse.” - Ann Trason

  • "If you start to feel good during an ultra, don't worry, you will get over it." - Gene Thibeault

  • "I'm going to go out a winner if I have to find a high school race to win my last race." - Johnny Gray

  • "I don't think jogging is healthy, especially morning jogging. If morning joggers knew how tempting they looked to morning motorists, they would stay home and do sit-ups." - Rita Rudner

  • "I love running cross country....On a track, I feel like a hamster." - Robin Williams

  • "I think people can handle 150 to 200 miles a week. But something has to give somewhere. If he's a student, how's he going to study? He may be at the age of chasing and courtship, and that's an important form of sport and recreation, too." - Bill Bowerman

  • "It's unnatural for people to run around the city streets unless they are thieves or victims. It makes people nervous to see someone running. I know that when I see someone running on my street, my instincts tell me to let the dog go after him."- Mike Royko

  • "We can't all be heroes because someone has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by." - Will Rogers Adopted by

Recipe Of The Month - Fast Fiesta Soup

This colorful and spicy soup is fancy enough for company and great for those busy evenings when you need to fix something fast but you want something different!


  • 2 cans (10 ounces each) diced tomatoes and green chilies

  • 1 can (15 1/4 ounces) whole kernel corn, drained

  • 1 can (15 ounces) black beans, rinsed and drained

  • Shredded cheddar cheese and sour cream (optional)

  • In a saucepan, combine tomatoes, corn and beans; heat through. Garnish servings with a dollop of sour cream and cheese. Serve with tortilla chips.

Tax Jokes & Humorous IRS Quotes

  • There is no child so bad that he/she can't be used as an income tax deduction.

  • The number of words dealing with income taxes in the Internal Revenue Code and IRS regulations rose nearly tenfold between 1955 and 2005, from 718,000 to more than 7 million How is a mugger different from the Internal Revenue Service? Both take your money, but the mugger doesn't make you fill out forms. --Jacob Sullum in Reason

  • More than ever before, Americans are suffering from back problems: back taxes, back rent, back auto payments. -- Robert Orben

  • People who complain about taxes can be divided into two classes: men and women.-- Unknown

  • The term "tax humor" is no doubt an oxymoron to many people; to the more cynical, it is an apt description of the entire tax code. -- John F. Iekel

  • Taxes are not good things, but if you want services, somebody's got to pay for them so they're a necessary evil. -- Michael Bloomberg

  • "It's income tax time again, Americans: time to gather up those receipts, get out those tax forms, sharpen up that pencil, and stab yourself in the aorta." -- D. Barry

  • If a person is an economic being and figures out the odds, then there is a very high incentive to cheat. That is, of course, putting aside honor, duty and patriotism.-- Jerome Kurtz, former Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service

Early Spring Camping - Tips For Success

Many people think of camping as a summer adventure. While this may be the most comfortable way to enjoy a camping experience, early spring offers a view of natures' beauty that can easily be missed. The following tips will help make your spring camping trip a success.

Choose the right camping tent: The camping tent industry has exploded in recent years, with hundreds of tent styles to choose from. While many camping tents offer the necessary shelter from the elements, only a few are suited for colder weather. Four season camping tents offer the most protection from the cold and are essential for camping in colder climates, while three season tents are usually sufficient for spring camping in most of the lower U.S.
Select appropriate sleeping gear: Most sleeping bags are rated to a certain degree temperature. These ratings can be confusing if not understood correctly. Normally a sleeping bag that is rated 10 F should be sufficient to keep the cool spring air out. Also a quality mattress pad will help keep the cold from reaching you through the ground.

Bring sufficient clothing: Nothing can spoil your camping trip worse, than having to sit it out in the cold. So remember to bring along an extra jacket and a pair of long underwear. Long underwear are light-weight and can easily be put away if not needed. Finally, bring along a rain-suit, just in case you get caught in an unexpected spring shower.

In conclusion, wherever you choose to go camping this spring, take along the right equipment and you'll be sure to have and enjoyable experience to remember. Adopted from

Workout Tips to Help You Spring into Shape!

With spring around the corner, it is a good time to get off the couch and get back on track with your exercise routine. How you approach your workout can determine the benefits and enjoyment that you'll get from it. Read on to find out how!

Activate Your Health

In my many years of clinical practice and research on centenarians, I have never met a healthy person or centenarian that lived a physically inactive life. Exercise brings with it numerous benefits, from boosting your energy and reducing stress hormones to lowering your risk for heart disease, stroke, cancer depression, and diabetes.

Exercise also helps burn off excess blood sugar, preventing it from getting stored as body fat - good news for your waistline. Moderate load-bearing exercises are essential for bone density and muscle strength, and this is especially important as we age.

Cardiovascular exercises increase heart rate and provide stimulation for the heart muscles, helping maintain proper endurance. Every way you look at it, exercise will make you happier, sexier, and more vivacious!

No Pain, No Gain? Think Again!

I have a number of patients who are "weekend warriors"-people who don't exercise much during the week but go to the extreme on weekends. They'll engage in vigorous physical activities like mountain biking or high-impact aerobics-and then usually end up in my office with an injury. There is nothing wrong with these intense athletic activities, but when they are done infrequently, they often lead to injuries.

To reap the benefits of exercise, it isn't necessary to work out to the extreme or get your heart pumping to its maximum. On the contrary, many studies show that regular, moderate exercise does more for your health and waistline than periodic intense workouts.

I have found that many people exercise too frequently and too intensely - and consequently suffer from lactic acidosis - a state in which your body is full of the waste products of excessive muscle use, causing fatigue and aching in your muscles.

Also keep in mind, when exercising beyond a healthy level of heart rate, your body switches from burning fat to burning carbohydrates for energy. The old maxim of "no pain, no gain" is destructive, and the wear and tear of physical strain takes its toll.

Find Your Ideal Exercise Zone

What is a healthy range for heart rate and workout intensity? This is actually a simple and logical question. If you strain to breathe during your physical training and feel tired and achy afterwards, you've gone beyond the limit of what is healthy for you.

A healthy range of heart rate during exercise for the average person is between 90 and 120 beats per minute. A sports medicine specialist or trainer can help you find your individual ideal range of heart rate. To hear more about finding your proper heart rate, click here.

When you are in your optimum zone, exercise should make you feel energized and happy afterwards, motivating you to repeat the experience over and over again. From my clinical experience and research, I am convinced that it is best to exercise four times or more per week, for 30 minutes each time.

If you suffer from a physically debilitating condition, are recovering from an illness, or are just completely out of shape, start your exercise program gently and gradually. You may want to exercise only five minutes a day to start with, but do it every day. Then incrementally increase the time on a weekly basis - say, five additional minutes per week. By the end of the sixth week, you'll be up to 30 minutes. Adopted from

Dog Training Tips

(These tips were sent in by the public. Dog Breed Info cannot guarantee all tips will be a success and is not responsible for anything that may result from one of these tips. Please use your own discretion).

1. Using metal water dishes outside in winter may be a risk, because your pet's tongue could stick to the frozen metal. In the summer medal bowls can get very hot, and burn your dog.

2. If you have a puppy that pees on your carpet. After soaking up most of the mess with paper towel, sprinkle a generous amount of bicarbontae of soda (baking soda) over the area and leave it to absorb both the traces of urine and the odor.

3. If your dog runs away from you and you finally catch up to it, no matter how angry you are at the dog, do not yell or smack it or your dog will never come to you when called for fear of being punished.

4. Do not leave your dog unattended on a choke chain. The chain could get caught and strangle the dog.

5. Do not leave your dog in the car unattended on hot days. Even with the windows open, temperatures in cars WILL reach deadly levels. It only takes 5 minutes! If you see a dog locked in a very hot car do something to try and help it before it's too late.

6. Do not make your dog walk on extremely hot or cold asphalt, cement, etc... the pads of their paws are not made out of steel. If it is too hot for you to walk barefoot, then chances are that it is too hot for your dog, also.

7. To keep your dog busy, buy toys with little holes in them (such as a Kong), put both big and small pieces of kibble in the toy and give it to your dog. This will keep him busy for quite awhile presuming he has a few small ones that he gets out quickly. You can also wedge dog biscuits in the holes with a smear of peanut butter.

8. When your dog is teething, instead of have him chewing on couches, walls etc. Buy a few (cheap) wash clothes. Soak the wash cloth and put it ion the freezer. When fully frozen give it to the dog to chew, it will thaw out so have another one ready in the freezer. (be careful when doing this with very small dogs, as they may get a chill. I have heard of small dogs getting too cold too quickly when chewing on ice.)

9. For teething puppies mix chicken or beef broth (look for low fat, low sodium brands) with 1 ½ cup of water. Pour them into ice cube trays to made broth ice cubes. They are tasty treats on hot days. (be careful when doing this with very small dogs, as they may get a chill. I have heard of small dogs getting too cold too quickly when chewing on ice.)

10. Do not leave your pet in an area with dangling phone cords, drape cords or other items that they may strangle on. Be aware of electric cords that may be chewed by the pet.

11. I have a dog who loved to dig. When I'd fill the hole and re-seed, he'd just dig it up again. One day I was watching him wander around the yard, and I noticed he took extra care not to step in his droppings. So, the next time I filled up a hole, I buried a little dung under, and left some dung on top. He avoided the freshly-seeded grass, and his droppings made excellent fertilizer. This won't work for all dogs... I also have another dog who loves to dig. This trick does not work on her, as she does not care where she steps.
Please Note: the feces of dogs or any other meat-eating animal are NOT SAFE to use as fertilizer on plants that will be eaten by people, such as veggies, fruits, or herbs. The feces can spread disease, even if it comes from a healthy dog.

12. Is your dog digging? Try putting cayenne pepper in the holes - they don't like the sensation when they go back to dig again.

13. Dog urination burns your lawn? Try giving them some tomato juice every day (either in a bowl or on their food) and it should solve the problem.

14. After soaking up the majority of urine or picking up the poop baby wipes do a great job and pick up all smells with no stains left behind. Adopted from

Coping With Stress in Stressful Times

Stress free living seems impossible in a world of duties, obligations, and responsibilities. Add to that catastrophes and threats without and within our country. The stress level is determined by a person’s reaction to a situation and it increases when he or she cannot decide what to do or how to respond. Stress steals the joy of today and affects others with harsh words and hurt feelings.

When the mind is stressed the body suffers. Heart and respiratory problems, migraines, allergies, tense muscles, depression, and many other diseases are stress related.

An accumulation of life’s daily little things can also bring it on. I’ve heard it said, “It’s the little things that bother us, and put us on the rack; you can sit upon a mountain, but you can’t sit on a tack.”

So how do we react in stressful times? In coping with difficult circumstances we do have a choice. Making the right choice results in better health for daily living. I’ve found the following concepts have helped me and I hope they will help you:

  • Focus on one day at a time. Tomorrow will take care of itself.

  • Know when to say, “No.” Over commitment means more stress.

  • Stop comparing yourself to others. You are a unique creation in your own right.

  • Do the best you can and stop there. Perfectionists are never satisfied.

  • Set reasonable goals. So a goal wasn’t met today? It’s no big deal.

  • Do some kind of exercise.

  • Forgive others and get on with life.

  • Do a kind deed for someone. The blessing always returns.

  • Say, “I love you,” often. A hug and kiss mends all hurts.

  • Take a break. Sit on the porch swing and do nothing but swing. Take a walk with your dog.

  • Watch a favorite TV show. Read a book.

  • Be content with what you have.

  • Let peace be the judge in your heart.

  • Make a new friend.

  • Overcome fear with faith.

  • Give the other person the benefit of the doubt. You haven’t walked in his or her shoes.

  • Remove all negative speech. It’s a good way to cancel the “downers.”

  • Realize each day is a gift. Make the most of it. That makes “life delicious.”

  • Give plenty of sincere compliments.

  • Last of all, remember you have a choice how you cope with stress!
    · Adopted from

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Ask Mike Your Mortgage Questions?: Is This A Good Time To Buy A Home?

Unfortunately, the media has painted a negative picture of the current real estate market. Yes, we are dealing with many challenges: foreclosures, job losses, housing values, but as Zig Ziglar says “garbage in, garbage out”. To change your thoughts, you have to change what goes into your mind and focus on the positive.

There are many positives in our housing market. With interest rates nearing historic lows, credit readily available & the cap on property taxes, the factors are perfectly aligned for excellent values & opportunities in our housing market!

It is important to note that real estate is like the weather; it is local. It does not matter what housing trends are occurring in California or Florida, it matters what is happening right here, in your neighborhood. And right now, in Central Indiana, it is a great time to buy a home!

Hoosiers should be pleased to know that homes are more affordable today than in recent years. The incredibly low interest rates & the cap on property taxes can contribute to a substantial savings in your monthly payment. As the property tax cap is adjusted to the 1% level in 2010, the savings in owning a home will continue to increase.

As you can see from the comparison between purchasing the same property in 2005 versus now in 2009, the savings in monthly payments are significant! All examples were calculated using FHA financing with a 30 year fixed interest rate. FHA mortgages are available for purchases up to $275,000 with a minimum of 3.5% down payment. Currently, FHA mortgages are available with interest rates around 5%, some even lower.

While buyers may be waiting for the market to “bottom out” so they can achieve the best buy, it is best to seize the moment & make the most of this great window of opportunity. The mistake many buyers make is in trying to time the market. Unfortunately buyers wait in anticipation of lower prices or better interest rates & in effect miss the best opportunity. It is nearly impossible to know the true bottom of the market until it is already on the upswing, & by that time, the best opportunities are no longer available. Now is the time to take advantage of this incredible opportunity! Adopted from