Early Spring Camping - Tips For Success

Many people think of camping as a summer adventure. While this may be the most comfortable way to enjoy a camping experience, early spring offers a view of natures' beauty that can easily be missed. The following tips will help make your spring camping trip a success.

Choose the right camping tent: The camping tent industry has exploded in recent years, with hundreds of tent styles to choose from. While many camping tents offer the necessary shelter from the elements, only a few are suited for colder weather. Four season camping tents offer the most protection from the cold and are essential for camping in colder climates, while three season tents are usually sufficient for spring camping in most of the lower U.S.
Select appropriate sleeping gear: Most sleeping bags are rated to a certain degree temperature. These ratings can be confusing if not understood correctly. Normally a sleeping bag that is rated 10 F should be sufficient to keep the cool spring air out. Also a quality mattress pad will help keep the cold from reaching you through the ground.

Bring sufficient clothing: Nothing can spoil your camping trip worse, than having to sit it out in the cold. So remember to bring along an extra jacket and a pair of long underwear. Long underwear are light-weight and can easily be put away if not needed. Finally, bring along a rain-suit, just in case you get caught in an unexpected spring shower.

In conclusion, wherever you choose to go camping this spring, take along the right equipment and you'll be sure to have and enjoyable experience to remember. Adopted from http://ezinearticles.com/