Letters to Santa

Santa receives letters every day of the year - here are some that Santa thought you'd enjoy reading!

Dear Santa- I think your the bestest in the world because you give everyone presents for Christmas. Even if they are bad you still give them presents. Love from Kim PS. I will leave you milk and cookies and water and carrots for the reindeers

Dear Santa - For Christmas I would like my own planet, (Mars would be nice because its near Earth). Tim

Dear Santa- Hi, I already found the presents mom & dad! Lauren

Dear Santa- I want nothing for Christmas this year, so it can't slow down your trip to other kids houses. Elizabeth

Dear Santa- I have been very good this year. Please just bring me happiness and cheer. And take care of all the little children of the world. Have very safe flight. Michelle

Dear Santa- How's Comet? How old are you? Are you older then Jesus? I have a gas fireplace, so how are you supposed to get in?? Nicholas

Dear Santa- I know I might have been bad, but I have been trying my best to be good. I hope you bring me and my friends something. Ariel

Dear Santa- My name is Lori and I am 7 years old. How's things up there in the North Pole? Cold enough for you yet? How's Mrs. Claus and all of the reindeer? This year I would like it if I could get enough money to buy my mom, dad and older sister a gift each. If you could, I will love you forever and ever! Your friend, Lori

Dear Santa- I know that I e-mailed you before. At that time I was at school. I was just letting you know Santa, I know you are real but why don't some kids believe in you? I'm not sure if you have done this or not, but do you think you could wake me up when you come to my house, please. I know that you have a tight night, but please at least wake me up and hug me. I have wanted to ask you that for so long that it has only been a dream. If you can, my room is the one with horse wallpaper, in the middle of all the rooms, except the toy room. One more thing Santa, could I see the reindeer? That has also been a dream of mine. I will wear warm pjs if you can let me look at the reindeer. Thank you so much for all the lovely things you have given me. Nicole

Dear Santa- I have been a very good boy this year. I always show my Mommy and others how much I love them with kisses and hugs. I help my Mom pick up toys and whatever other mess I make. All I want for Christmas is for my Daddy to spend some time with me like my Mommy does, and for him to help my Mommy too sometimes. And if you could get Mommy a new car and a house, I am sure she would be very happy! I hope that you and the reindeer are doing well. Make sure Rudolph doesn't get a cold!!! I am not sure if you want cheese or cookies with your milk so I will leave out both, and if that's not what you want, feel free to raid the fridge! Merry Christmas Santa! Jeremy

Adopted from http://www.merry-christmas.com/letters_santa/

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Recipe Of The Month - Million Dollar Fudge

If you would like an easy and dependable fudge recipe, try this one. It makes a good amount of fudge and I have never had it turn out grainy or too hard. It has been a favorite of our for years!
1 large 12 oz. pkg. of semi-sweet chocolate chips
5 cups of sugar
2 tsp. vanilla
1 giant Hershey bar, broken into small pieces
1/4 lb. butter or margarine
1 cup chopped nuts
1 pt. Marshmallow Crème (small size is enough)
1 can Milnot (13 oz. size)
Put chips, Hershey bar and Marshmallow Crème in a large mixing bowl and set aside. Mix sugar, butter, and Milnot together in a large pan until well blended then let mixture boil gently for 6 minutes without stirring. Next pour hot mixture over chocolate in mixing bowl and mix. When most of the Marshmallow Crème and chocolate has blended dump in the chopped nuts. Stir a few more times till everything is blended then pour onto a 10x15 pan that has been sprayed or buttered. Spread it out and then if you want to press on pecan halves if that is the type of nut you used. After it has cooled cut it into pieces. Fudge tends to dry out quickly so be sure to put it in a tin or Tupperware type container that has a good seal.

Coping with Holiday Stress Tips

The holidays can be fun, but they also can be a source of great stress — and no wonder. The holidays are often depicted as a magical time when people reconcile and dreams come true.
Do Financial Pressures Stress People Out to the Point of Ruining the Holiday Spirit?

Knowing your spending limit is also a way to relieve holiday stress. People believe that they have to go out and buy gifts because it’s the holidays, even if they can’t afford to do so. Not only is it stressful to feel that you have to buy everyone an expensive gift, but you’ll be stressed for the rest of the year trying to pay off your bills. You can show love and caring by getting something that you know is meaningful and personal for that person that doesn’t have to cost a lot.

How Do Time Pressures Affect People Around the Holidays?

People shouldn’t have to put their lives on pause or totally rearrange their schedules either because of the holidays. Learn to prioritize the invitations you accept and don’t feel that you have to go to every holiday gathering.

How Do You Cope With Kids Who Want Everything For The Holidays and Have No Sense of What Things Cost?

Parents need to tell their children to be realistic. It is OK to say to your child that a certain toy is too expensive. And even Santa Claus has limited funds and has to choose what to give because he has a very long list. You can also tell your children that Mom and Dad and Santa Claus will try to choose the most suitable present for the child. Children have to learn that their wish is not someone’s command and to curb their desires for instant gratification.

What Are Some Good Coping Strategies?

Take stock of your expectations and make sure they’re realistic. Don’t expect more of this time of year than of any other. Take a break from holiday music and television specials if you find that they’re turning you into “Scrooge.”

Most people dread the holidays because their inner experience is so different from what is being hyped. You should trust your own instincts and don’t try to be what you’re not. Keep up your normal routine and know that this day will pass too.

If, however, you are unable to shake what you think are “holiday blues” your feelings may not be about the holidays, but about other things in your life. If you need help in sorting out or dealing with this issue, a psychologist is a person with the training to help you do so. Adopted from http://psychcentral.com/lib/2007/

Top List of Foods That Help in Losing Weight Easily

The very first step we can take for lose weight easily is having a well maintained stocked pantry and refrigerator full of healthy foods and food supplements. When you have all ingredients available at home for making healthy food, you can make it with ease. There are many foods that that are not only good for your health but can also help you in losing extra amount of weight.

Here is the list of foods that really helps you in losing weight with ease:

Potatoes: Potatoes are really big fat burner and have lots of minerals, vitamins and are full of fiber. You don't feel hungry for longer when you have eaten them. Simple portion of potatoes without any extra toppings are really helpful in burning extra amount of fat.
Fruits & Vegetables: Make sure that you take 4-5 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday. They will keep your body full of vitamins and you will feel healthier during the process of losing weight.
Water: Water is really helpful for losing weight and for maintaining over overall health. Experts suggest consumption of high amount of water for losing weight. It is always a good idea to carry water along with fruits when you go out.
Milk: Low fat milk can also be used. One can use low fat milk as a snack between meals.
Carrots: Like low fat milk, carrots can also be used as a healthy snack in between meals.
Eggs: eggs are great source of vitamins. One can use eggs in the breakfast or lunch as a low calorie meal.
Use of herbs and spices: High amount of herbs and spices is recommended for giving lots of flavors to low fat cooked food.
Peanut butter: Use of peanut butter can add lots of vitamins to your diet . One can use it on toast in the morning breakfast. Adopted From http://www.articlesbase.com/weight-loss-articles/

Winter Home Improvement Tips

Heads up! With winter on its way, we start spending more time at home and hence appreciating our indoor atmosphere. These cooler months are perfect for some home improvements, so here are some helpful tips.
  • As the winter is progressing homeowners should plan well in advance. You could plan for upgrading your central heating to reduce maintenance and utility costs. Vents near the floor can be opened and those near the ceiling can be closed for better air circulation. Your heating system should be checked up by the expert.

  • Ventilation should be given attention. Attic insulation should not cover ventilation vents in the eaves, which prevents winter ice dams. Ridge vent and vents at eaves should be free of plants and debris. And if there are holes in rodent and bird screens in attic vents, replace or patch them.

  • The minimum you should do is at least undertake the cleaning of your home rigorously in winter, even if you are not going to improve anything in your home. Vacuuming under and behind freezer and fridge, for example, is necessary to improve efficiency of the units. And chimneys need to be cleaned and checked by chimney sweeps regularly. Decks need to be power-washed and resealed after every 4-5 winters.

  • The older type storm windows should be replaced while you're at it. Reinstall the window latches if they are not working. Repairs of any cracked or broken window panes should be undertaken. Exterior walls should be checked. Pipes and wires should be sealed while outer walls should be checked and filled up so that no air can leak in.

  • Gutters should be clean at all times. If they are rusty, they should be replaced with new aluminum or vinyl gutters. All interior drains should be free of debris. All garden hoses should be removed, drained and coiled. Adopted from http://www.articlesbase.com/home-improvement-articles/winter-home-improvement-tips-255523.html

Get Your Car Ready for Winter

Your Vehicle's Must-Haves
· At all times, it is important to keep a properly inflated spare tire, wheel wrench and tripod-type jack, tool kit and jumper cables in your car. If possible, tow and tire chains and a bag of salt or cat litter ( to use for weight and to help you remove a stuck vehicle) are a good idea too.
· Keep your tank full of gas at all times
· Check brakes, wiring, hoses, adjusting spark plugs and fan belts.
· Air, fuel and emission filters
· Inspect the battery.
· Inspect tires for air, wear and tread depth.
· Keep fluid levels full, especially antifreeze and wiper fluids.

Your Must-Haves
In case you get stuck, there are essential things to keep in your car to help until you get out. Make sure to replenish and restock your supplies, keeping things up-to-date. A good winter driving survival kit should include:
· Working flashlight, extra batteries
· Brightly colored cloth
· Reflective triangles and/or flares (available online or through auto supply stores)
· First aid kit
· Ice scraper and window brush, window cleaner
· Matches (in a waterproof container)
· Scissors
· Rope or string
· Small shovel
· Blanket, extra gloves, hats and socks
· Nuts, hard candy, dried fruit, a small supply of high energy, non-perishable food
· Keep clothing and food in waterproof storage bags
· Bottles of water

Winter Tips for Pet Safety

Here are some tips to help make sure that your dog or cat stays healthy and comfortable during the winter months.
  • Keep pets away from antifreeze solution, and promptly clean up any antifreeze spills. Antifreeze is attractive to pets but is deadly, even in very small amounts.

  • Short-coated dogs (Greyhounds, Dobermans, Boxers and Boston Terriers) should not go outside without a coat or sweater in very cold weather, except to relieve themselves. Small dogs with short coats (Chihuahuas, miniature Pinschers, and miniature Dachshunds) are especially vulnerable to cold, and may not be able to tolerate any outdoor exercise in extremely cold weather.

  • Many dogs also need boots in cold weather, regardless of coat length. If your dog frequently lifts up his paws, whines or stops during its walks, it is demonstrating that its feet are uncomfortably cold. Be sure to get your dog used to wearing boots before the cold weather sets in.

  • If your pet walks on salted sidewalks or streets, be sure to wash his paws after your walk. Salt is very irritating to footpads. Gently rub the bottom of the feet to remove the salt as soon as your dog is off the road.

  • Dogs with long fur on the bottom of their paws often develop ice balls between the pads and toes of the feet. To prevent ice balls from forming, trim the hair around your dog's feet. Apply a small amount of Vaseline, cooking oil, or PAM spray to your dog's feet before taking him for a walk in snow. The oil helps prevent ice balls from sticking. Make sure you use edible oil; most dogs will lick their paws after you apply the oil.

  • Many animals are less active during the winter, and don't as many calories as in the warmer months. Reduce your pet's diet during the winter, to avoid excessive weight gain. You may wish to consult with your veterinarian about the right winter food portions for your pet.

  • Most cats prefer to spend their winter days indoors; be cautious if your cat likes being outside. Don't let it out in bitterly cold weather, and be sure it has a warm place to go if it does spend a lot of time outdoors. Cats that are left outdoors may crawl into a warm car engine to get warm, which can kill them. It's much safer to keep your cat indoors during the winter. Adopted From http://www.i-pets.com/rpet1.html

Letter From Santa

Hello boys and girls, Santa Claus here,Writing a letter to you on the best time of year.My elves are real busy making lots of cool toys,which I will only deliver to good girls and boys.If you want me to bring these great gifts to you,there are a few simple things I need you to do.Mind your parents and do what they tell you to do.Be sweet to your friends; share your toys with them too.Clean up your toys, put them all away,to make room for new ones you'll receive Christmas day.I'll be watching till the night I come to your house.You will not hear me for I am quiet as a mouse.Try to sleep through the night until Christmas day.Then you can see what I brought in my sleigh.I hope you'll be good, I hope that you'll try,so until Christmas Eve, I must say good-bye.
Sincerely,Santa ClausP.S. Please leave my reindeer some carrots, milk and cookies for meAnd I will place lots of goodies under you tree. Adopted http://www.poetryamerica.com