Letters to Santa

Santa receives letters every day of the year - here are some that Santa thought you'd enjoy reading!

Dear Santa- I think your the bestest in the world because you give everyone presents for Christmas. Even if they are bad you still give them presents. Love from Kim PS. I will leave you milk and cookies and water and carrots for the reindeers

Dear Santa - For Christmas I would like my own planet, (Mars would be nice because its near Earth). Tim

Dear Santa- Hi, I already found the presents mom & dad! Lauren

Dear Santa- I want nothing for Christmas this year, so it can't slow down your trip to other kids houses. Elizabeth

Dear Santa- I have been very good this year. Please just bring me happiness and cheer. And take care of all the little children of the world. Have very safe flight. Michelle

Dear Santa- How's Comet? How old are you? Are you older then Jesus? I have a gas fireplace, so how are you supposed to get in?? Nicholas

Dear Santa- I know I might have been bad, but I have been trying my best to be good. I hope you bring me and my friends something. Ariel

Dear Santa- My name is Lori and I am 7 years old. How's things up there in the North Pole? Cold enough for you yet? How's Mrs. Claus and all of the reindeer? This year I would like it if I could get enough money to buy my mom, dad and older sister a gift each. If you could, I will love you forever and ever! Your friend, Lori

Dear Santa- I know that I e-mailed you before. At that time I was at school. I was just letting you know Santa, I know you are real but why don't some kids believe in you? I'm not sure if you have done this or not, but do you think you could wake me up when you come to my house, please. I know that you have a tight night, but please at least wake me up and hug me. I have wanted to ask you that for so long that it has only been a dream. If you can, my room is the one with horse wallpaper, in the middle of all the rooms, except the toy room. One more thing Santa, could I see the reindeer? That has also been a dream of mine. I will wear warm pjs if you can let me look at the reindeer. Thank you so much for all the lovely things you have given me. Nicole

Dear Santa- I have been a very good boy this year. I always show my Mommy and others how much I love them with kisses and hugs. I help my Mom pick up toys and whatever other mess I make. All I want for Christmas is for my Daddy to spend some time with me like my Mommy does, and for him to help my Mommy too sometimes. And if you could get Mommy a new car and a house, I am sure she would be very happy! I hope that you and the reindeer are doing well. Make sure Rudolph doesn't get a cold!!! I am not sure if you want cheese or cookies with your milk so I will leave out both, and if that's not what you want, feel free to raid the fridge! Merry Christmas Santa! Jeremy

Adopted from http://www.merry-christmas.com/letters_santa/