What Makes a Man a Real DAD?

A real dad is someone who truly loves you. Now that word love encompasses unconditional love. That means they are always there to help. They hurt when you hurt. That they are human but will admit their mistakes when wrong. That while they will always be protective, they will let you grow while making sure you do not stray to far off course. They do not judge but try to help yet, they will try to provide what is important to you while teaching you responsibility and values. Sometimes we prefer those who give, give, give and we miss the point of why sometimes you must work for something you want not just be handed it. Then again we like people who allow us to do what we want, but yet we really do want someone to care what we do. While we may frown when they say no if we truly love them and we have good communications then we can understand why.
A dad is someone we can confide in when we are down and out. Who is always ready with a kiss and a big hug. They will not condemn, yell, curse or hit you when you do something wrong but they will allow you to understand what    you did and try to help you through it.
Dads are men who put their entire life into YOU. They do not say what’s mine is mine and you have to get yours, they say we are family, I love you and how can I help you through your problem. Dads are there when you need help and when there is no one else to go to. They are also there to let you know life is not a hand out and it can be tough. So, if your refused a handout for something frivolous then think about why and what else may be important.
So, the title DAD is one of the greatest in the world. A child is a special and precious gift from God and whether born to you, your spouse, adopted or just assumed into the family if there is a Dad who loves you, you have one special, unique and unequaled gift! Enjoy it forever! (Adopted From http://melaccio.wrytestuff.com/swa68045.htm)

Eco Friendly Home Tips to Save Money This Summer…

Summer time is a great time for spending outdoors and enjoying all that summer has to offer. Although, one aspect of summer that is not fun is coping with the heat in your home, and spending more money to keep it cool!  What if I told you there are ways to keep more money in your pocket, and keep the earth happier, would that make your day? I thought so. 
  • ELECTRICITY: Between air conditioning, fans, and swamp coolers – all of these run on electricity.  In the summer months these appliances use up large quantities of energy, and later to money out of your pocket.  Consider using darkening window treatments in rooms that have a lot of heat gain in the summer.  These treatments will keep your home cooler, and will help you save electricity. If you own blinds or shutters, close them so they face towards the ceiling.  This will keep heat levels lower, and will help slow fading of your furniture upholstery and carpet.  When using air conditioning set it at the warmest temperature you can feel comfortable inside your home.  While some would think 80 degrees is warm – it’s a lot cooler than 103 outside your home!
  • WATER: If you have a lawn irrigation system, set the timer to water in early morning.  Grass that is not stressed from the day’s heat will absorb less water, and it will help it grow stronger. There are several green irrigation practices you can follow for watering your landscaping. Consider using drip or rain water collection systems to water your plants.  Inside your home, conserve water by taking short showers over long bathtub soaks. Another water saving tip,  install low flow shower heads and save money. These shower heads are especially good for renters, because they are removable and can go to your next home.
  • ENERGY AUDIT: Your local electricity provider offers energy audits of your home.  Schedule for a representative to visit your home and walk through tips for saving energy. Tips can range from changing incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) to washing clothes in cold water in the laundry room.  Energy audits are usually a free service, and will help you learn about your home, and  saving money.
  • SEAL OUT AIR: Make sure your attic in your home has ample insulation. You can save 20-25% off your energy bill, and your home will feel cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. Check windows and doors for air leaks around them.  Caulk around windows, and use weather stripping to help your home keep its cool temperatures. Think of the money you will save if the hot summer air isn’t trickling in! (Adopted From http://freshome.com/2010/07/19/)

The Reel Team’s Helpful Apps…

  • BombBomb.com - Video Email Marketing Communicate more effectively and build stronger relationships by adding video to your emails. Video ispersonal and powerful;  it demands attention and builds trust. (Just Download The App)
  • Get Pocket - SAVE FOR LATER Put articles, videos or pretty much anything into Pocket. Save directly from your browser or from apps like Twitter, Flipboard, Pulse and Zite. If it's in Pocket, it's on your phone, tablet or computer. You don't even need an Internet connection. (www.getpocket.com to set up an account & Download App)
  • Viber.com - Free international calls and text messages to other Viberusers using 3G or Wi-Fi. Uses your existing contact list - see which of your phone contacts are already on Viber and call them for free. Go ahead and call. It's free* and it works great! (Just Download The App)

Recipe Of The Month: Fiesta Chicken Enchiladas

Ingredients: (for 4)
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 cup salsa, divided
  • 1 lb. cooked boneless skinless chicken breasts, shredded
  • 1/2 of 8 oz. pkg. of cream cheese, cubed
  • 1 Tbsp. chopped cilantro       
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 c. shredded Cheddar & Monterey Jack cheese, divided
  • 8 flour tortillas (6 inch)
Directions:  1.) Heat oven to 350 degrees.  2.) Heat large skillet sprayed with cooking spray on medium heat. Add onions & garlic; cook & stir 2 min. Add chicken, 1/4 cup salsa, cream cheese, cilantro & cumin; mix well. Cook 5 min. or until heated through, stirring occasionally. Add 1/2 cup shredded cheese; mix well. 3.) Spoon about 1/3 cup chicken mixture down center of each tortilla; roll up. Place, seam-side down, in 13x19 in. baking dish sprayed with cooking spray; top with remaining shredded cheese & salsa.  4.) Bake 15 to 20 min or until heated through.   

Summer Sports Programs For Kids

With no school, kids have plenty of time to get outdoors and play during the summer. The American Heart Association recommends that children get 60 minutes of physical activity per day. One way for kids to stay fit is through sports, and many cities and school districts offer summer sports programs at local parks.

General Sports Camps - Many local parks and recreation districts offer sports camps that feature training and participation in a variety of sports, rather than requiring children to specializing in only one activity. These program often feature a physical fitness component,  lessons covering the basic skills of a particular sport and games to end each day. For younger children, these camps might emphasize learning the basic sport skills of running, jumping, throwing, catching, kicking and striking. For older children, camps might include instruction in specific sport skills such as batting, pitching, hitting golf and tennis balls and learning the rules of particular sports.

Specific Sport Camps - If a child has an interest in a particular sport, you may want to sign him up for a camp dedicated to improving his skills in that sport. These camps feature exercises and physical conditioning specific to the sport, instruction in strategy and tactics, repeated work on the skills of the game and scrimmages and practice matches. These camps may feature intra-camp games or matches, or competitions against other camps, complete with officials.

Elite Sports Programs - For children who have shown an aptitude and serious interest in a sport, elite camps offer a higher level of instruction, professional coaches and a league format, with a schedule of games, often requiring some travel. These camps are targeted toward youths who may want to pursue the sport at a high school varsity,  collegiate scholarship or professional level. They can be expensive, costing more than a thousand dollars, and may feature private instruction.

Sports Leagues - Some summer sports programs feature competitions only, such as bi-weekly baseball games or weekly tennis matches. These types of programs allow children to train with their private coaches and decrease the cost of participation in the league.

High School- and College-Affiliated Camps - Many high school and collegiate coaches supplement their income by offering youth sports camps during the summer. They often feature all levels of instruction in one sport, including novice, intermediate and advanced. These programs are often held on school campuses, giving participants access to well-equipped facilities. Attending a summer sports program affiliated with a high school allows coaches to meet and evaluate your child, which may improve her chances for making a high school sports team if or when he/she attends that school.

(Adopted From http://www.livestrong.com/article/155142-summer-sports-programs-for-kids/)

Vitamins For The Mind! Six Behaviors that Increase Self-Esteem

Following are six behaviors that increase self-esteem, enhance your self-confidence, and spur your motivation. You may recognize some of them as things you naturally do in your interactions with other people. But if you don’t, I suggest you motivate yourself to take some of these important steps immediately. 
First, greet others with a smile and look them directly in the eye. A smile and direct eye contact convey confidence born of self-respect. In the same way, answer the phone pleasantly whether  at work or at home, and when placing a call, give your name before asking to speak to the party you want to reach. Leading with your name underscores that a person with self-respect is making the call.

Second, always show real appreciation for a gift or complement. Don’t downplay or sidestep expressions of affection or honor from others. The ability to accept or receive is a universal mark of an individual with solid self-esteem.

Third, don’t brag. It’s almost a paradox that genuine modesty is actually part of the capacity to gracefully receive compliments. People who brag about their own exploits or demand special attention are simply trying to build themselves up in the eyes of others - and that’s because they don’t perceive themselves as already worthy of respect.

Fourth, don’t make your problems the centerpiece of your conversation. Talk positively about your life and the progress you’re trying to make. Be aware of any negative thinking, and take notice of how often   you complain. When you hear yourself criticize someone - and this includes self-criticism - find a way to be helpful instead of critical.

Fifth, respond to difficult times or depressing moments by increasing your level of productive activity. When your self-esteem is being challenged, don’t sit around and fall victim to "paralysis by analysis." The late Malcolm Forbes said, "Vehicles in motion use their generators to charge their own batteries. Unless you happen to be a golf cart, you can’t recharge your battery when you’re parked in the garage!"

Sixth, choose to see mistakes and rejections as opportunities to learn. View a failure as the conclusion of one performance, not the end of your entire career. Own up to your shortcomings, but refuse to see yourself as a failure. A failure may be something you have done - and it may even be something you’ll have to do again on the way to    success - but a failure is definitely not something you are.

Even if you’re at a point where you’re feeling very negatively about yourself, be aware that you’re now ideally positioned to make rapid and dramatic improvement. A negative self-evaluation, if it’s honest and insightful, takes much more courage and character than the self-delusions that underlie arrogance and conceit. For example, after an extremely poor performance, a team or an individual athlete often does much better the next time out, especially when the poor performance was so bad that there was simply no way to shirk responsibility for it. Disappointment, defeat, and even apparent failure are in no way permanent conditions unless we choose to make them so. On the contrary, these undeniably painful experiences can be the solid foundation on which to build future success!(Adopted From http://www.deniswaitley.com/articles.php)

Sun Safety Suggestions For Dogs

Think sun protection is just for humans? Think again. Your dog needs a safe haven from those harsh ultraviolet rays, too. Here are five pointers to help Spot enjoy the great outdoors this summer, without feeling the burn.

·        Don't shave your long-coated dog for the summer. When you shave your dog's coat, it exposes his skin to sun damage. The hair coat acts as a protective barrier against the sun's ultraviolet rays, and shaved skin is much more vulnerable to sunburn. Instead, thin out your K9's coat using a Furminator or an undercoat rake,  so your pup carries a lighter load in the heat.  Think of this as the difference between a cotton T-shirt and a wool sweater!

·        Dogs experiencing hair loss need special treatment. "Dogs most at risk for sunburn include dogs who are experiencing hair loss due to health reasons, such as allergies or hormonal changes," explains Dr. Heather Peikes, board-certified staff dermatologist at New York City Veterinary Specialists. "Chemotherapy can also thin out a dog's coat."

·        Protect serious sunbathers. Some dogs are serious sunbathers, and could happily fry themselves for hours. But don't let them sizzle (especially if his snout is pink!). When you notice your sun-worshipping Spot panting, it's time to bring him back indoors.

·       How to help a sunburned dog. If Spot did sustain a sunburn, give him a soothing   bath with cool water & a gentle, soap-free product such as TheraNeem Pet Shampoo. Before lathering up, add 5 drops of Neem Oil to the shampoo in your palm, then work the mixture through your dog's fur, down to the skin. Wait a few minutes before rinsing with cool water. Non-toxic Neem works quickly to heal heat as well as chemical burns.

·        Select the proper sunscreen. For an ounce of prevention, use sunscreen on Spot. Select a sunscreen that's safe for human babies. There's also an all-natural balm designed to  prevent & soothe doggie sunburn called The Natural Dog Snout Soother(SPF 10).

How To Give A Pill To A Cat And A Dog

  1. Pick cat up & cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger & thumb on either side of cat’s mouth & gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As the cat opens mouth pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth & swallow.
  2. Retrieve pill from floor & cat from behind sofa. Repeat step one.
  3. Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy pill away.
  4. Take new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat in left arm holding rear paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open & push pill to back of mouth with right forefinger. Hold mouth shut for a count of ten.
  5. Retrieve pill from goldfish bowl and cat from top of wardrobe. Call spouse from garden.
  6. Kneel on floor with cat wedged firmly between knees, hold front & rear paws. Ignore low growls emitted by cat. Get spouse to hold head firmly with one hand while forcing wooden ruler into mouth. Drop pill down ruler and vigorously rub cat’s throat.
  7. Retrieve cat from curtain rod, get another pill from foil wrap. Make a note to buy new ruler and repair curtains. Carefully sweep up shattered figurines & vases & discard.
  8. Wrap cat in large towel & get spouse to lie on cat with head just visible from below armpit. Put pill in end of drinking straw, force mouth open with pencil & blow on straw.
  9. Check label to make sure pill is not harmful to humans, eat a piece of chocolate to take taste away. Put Band-Aids on spouse’s arm. Remove blood from carpet with spot cleaner.
  10. Retrieve cat from neighbor’s shed. Get another pill & another (big) piece of chocolate. Place cat in cupboard & close door onto neck to leave head showing. Force mouth open with dessert spoon. Flick pill down throat with elastic band.
  11. Fetch screwdriver from garage and put cupboard door back on hinges. Eat chocolate; Apply cold compress to cheek and check records for date of your last tetanus jab.
  12. Ring fire brigade to retrieve your cat from tree across the road. Apologize to neighbor who crashed into fence while swerving to avoid cat. Take last pill from foil wrap.
  13. Tie the little darling’s front paws to rear paws with garden twine & bind tightly to leg of dining room table, locate heavy duty pruning gloves. Push pill into mouth followed by large piece of fillet steak. Hold head vertically & pour 2 pints of water down throat to wash pill down.
  14. Consume remainder of all chocolate candy in home. Get spouse to drive you to the  emergency room, sit quietly while doctor stitches fingers & forearm & removes pill remnants from right eye. Call furniture shop on way home to order new table.
  15. Arrange for SPCA to collect mutant cat from hell & ring local pet shop to see if they have any hamsters. (Adopted From www.gardentenders.com)
DOG:  1.  Wrap pill in bacon, cheese or peanut butter. Make him beg.

Reel Partner Of The Month! Hiles & Son Full Service Lawn Care

Our complete lawn mowing services will give you a beautiful looking lawn without the hassle. You'll have the same staff working on your lawn each time and we can work with  you on a set schedule so you know when to expect us. Using the right equipment is also   an important part of lawn care. Our lawn mowing equipment is commercial grade and is well-maintained to ensure that your lawn will look its best each and every time we're there.

Our lawn mowing services also include the following:
  • Trimming
  • Blowing grass off of sidewalks
  • Clean Up
Call Us At:317-446-5651

Ask Ellen Tuttle - How Does Interest Rate Effect My Payment?

Low interest rates = low payments

Today, depending on type of loan, mortgage amount and credit scores, you could lock in a rate as low as 3.75% for a 30 year loan and 3.25% for a 15 year loan.

Consider if you are buying a home with FHA financing with a sales price of  $150,000, the principal and interest would only be $685.41. Even with adding in FHA insurance, taxes and homeowners insurance, the total payment could equate to what many are paying in rent. FHA only requires 3.5% down.

If inflation sets in and rates go up a little, it can change the sales price of what you can afford. The same $150,000 home with a rate of 6.75% would be a principal and interest of $959.93; an increase of $274 per month. Call me today to find out your program   and price range. The "Reel" team can then match the right home for you and/or your family.

Reel Free Classifieds

$60 Pets 317-327-1397 They have over 100 pet options. Some highlights:
  • Rory (Jack Russell Terrie) He is a sweet little squirt who loves attention and being wiggly and silly! ID: A172845
  • April - Tiger: She is a snuggly girl just waiting for you to take her home.  ID:A183825
  • Larry (Foxhound Mix): A gentle soul who is very easy going.  He's playful with other dogs. ID:A184784
  • Meggy (Shepherd Mix):  She is an easygoing girl who has good manners and walks great on a leash ID:A182119
  • Dakota (Lab Mix): He's big, goofy and  loves to chase balls. ID:A179069
Reel Deals
  • DOG HOUSE XX-Large, Painted & Trimmed. $99. (317)519-9669 or 549-3618
  • KITCHEN CABINET wall and base cabinet, both for $20. 317-745-1940
  • ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Medium Oak. Holds 26 inch TV. Like new! $40.00. (317)228-0427
  • SOFA 6 foot, 3 cushions, blue/brown southwest colors. Excellent condition. $99.00. (317)228-0427
  • TELEVISION 32 inch Color, with remote. Like new! $45.00. Please call (317)502-9788 

 Charity Events
  • Sat, June 30, 2012, 9:00 AM. Relay for Life of Fishers at Roy Holland Park. A fundraising event for the American Cancer Society from June 30 to July 1. Info: See Web site below or call 317-753-3837.
  • Wed, July 4, 2012, 8:00 AM. 3rd Annual Bike It! Charity Bike Ride in Westfield. A 5-mile family ride or 20- and  50-mile rides to benefit the Prostate Cancer Foundation. Rider packs, commemorative apparel, snack stations, free water. Info: See Web site below or call 317-605-4467.www.bikeitpc.org 
  • Fri, July 13, 2012, 11:00 AM. 23rd Annual Ice Cream Social on the Circle. $3 giant ice cream sundaes will be served by 30 celebrity scoopers to benefit the Diabetes Youth Foundation of Indiana. Face painting, mascots, interactive games, displays, music, Pacers Fan Van, and more. 11 AM to 2 PM. Info: 317-842-7955.
  • Sat, July 14, 2012, 9:00 AM. 4th Annual Bikers for HVAF Freedom Ride in Indianapolis. An escorted charity ride to benefit homeless veterans and their families. Donuts and coffee prior; lunch after. Ride ends at HVAF Warman, 240 N Warman Ave. Register at 9 AM, ride at 10:30 AM. $25 ($35 with passenger). Info: 317-951-0688. www.hvaf.org 
  • Sat, July 21, 2012, 9:00 AM. 2nd Annual 'Ride Your Can Off' Charity Motorcycle Ride at Gleaners Food Bank. T-shirts, lunch, entertainment, bike show, door prizes and much more will be offered to the participating riders and passengers. 9 AM to 1:30 PM. Kickstands up at 10:30. $25/$30 rider and $10 passenger. Info: 317-925-0191.bit.ly/w72jwC