Happiness is a Choice We Make

If we want to be healthy we need to do more than have a wholesome diet and exercise, as important as those things are.

We also need a healthy mindset.

Sometimes this is easier said than done. Every day we are bombarded with bad news. I've heard CNN called "constant negative news" and I have to agree with that!

Developing the habit of thinking positively and having the right attitude comes from the people we choose to associate with, from the books we read, the things we listen to, and most of all, from our own choice to be happy.

Happiness and contentment really are decisions we make.

It's common for people to say "if I could just find the right mate I would be happy" or "when I get a good job I will be happy." That is backwards. We need to be happy and content FIRST and then these things will come to us.

It's important to be grateful also. Spending just a few minutes each day, preferably in the morning, thinking of things we are grateful for can start the day off on a positive note which can carry you through the rest of the day with the right attitude.

Have you ever noticed how positive successful people are? They aren't positive because they are successful, but rather they became successful because of their good attitude.

One of the life changing things for me happened when I first listened to The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale. His message was simple, but very profound.

It all came down to this: We become what we think about.

I discovered later that Earl first recorded that message in the 1950s! Yet only recently has this idea become popular, it was with the release of The Secret, which you may have heard about.

iIt is vitally important to have the right thinking, not only to have the blessings and the life we really deserve, but for our health.

Worry, anger, resentment, and other negative emotions can and do have a detrimental effect on both our physical and mental health.

And besides.... it really is more fun to be positive than negative! - Adapted from http://EzineArticles.com