Ask The Reel Team About Real Estate: What Is The First Things You Should Do…

What is the first things you should do when buying a home? Ellen Tuttle, our new loan officer, felt that upon joining the “Reel Team”, it was important for our newsletter readers to understand the importance of getting pre-approved when you are considering buying a home.

She says that pre-approval allows you to shop within your price range. It is best to view homes within your budget so that you are not disappointed. Conversely, you may be able to afford more than you think! Also, credit issues may be on your report of which you are unaware. Addressing any issues as early as possible will improve your buying potential. Lastly, you will have a clear expectation of price of home, money you will need at closing and a loan approval that will allow you to shop.

So, if there is a possibility that you might be buying a home in the not too distant future be sure to give Ellen a call. She can walk you through the required process with ease!

The “Reel Team” wants to make your real estate experience the happy and rewarding event that it should be!