Write a Letter to a U.S. Military Hero

  • Over 2.9 million active, reserve, and civilian men and women in the U.S. military.
  • Hundreds of thousands of American troops are deployed indefinitely in remote parts of the world, including the Middle East, Afghanistan, Africa,  the Korean Peninsula and on ships throughout international waters.
  • U.S. service members are deployed for long periods away from home. They love receiving good wishes and words of appreciation and support, even  from total strangers.
  • Letters are the most requested item by U.S. military men and women.
  • Select a soldier you know or one who is related to someone you know.
  • If you don’t know a soldier, ask a friend, fellow student, co-worker, pastor, or military chaplain to help you make a connection. Make sure they provide proper mailing instructions.
  • Grab some paper, an envelope, and a pen.
  • Write a letter from your heart that expresses your gratitude, shows your support, and provides encouragement. Share a little bit about yourself as well as ask questions about the person you’re writing. Avoid such topics as death, killing, and politics. Send a free postcard to soldier.
  • Send an email to soldier.
  • Send mail to an anonymous soldier.
  • Donate a book to a soldier.
Include your e-mail or mailing address in case the recipient wants to write back. You could even include a self-addressed envelope.  Send the letter.
YOU MATTER: Our military protects our nation’s freedom, and, regardless of your political affiliation and whether or not you believe in war, these brave men and women need to know that we appreciate their sacrifices and service. With a simple card or letter, you can brighten the day of a soldier who is overseas ensuring your freedom. Your letter might be the only thing that makes that soldier smile that day. (http://everymondaymatters.com/7/)