Do Snack Food Preferences Affect Job Choices?

A study of more that 18,000 adult volunteers across 35 occupations were surveyed to determine the correlation between their occupation & their favorite snack food. This is what they found out…
Chip lovers are ambitious & successful: If you crave potato chips, you could be a lawyer, tennis pro, police officer, or CEO. They are competitive & have high expectations.
Pretzels: fire-fighter, journalist, flight attendant or veterinarian. Lively and energetic, those who crave pretzels seek novelty and easily become bored by routine. They make decisions based on intuition and emotion, especially in romantic relationships.
Tortilla Chips: farmer, travel agent, chef, clergy or news reader; they are perfectionists who are also humanitarians. Sticklers for punctuality, you will rarely see a tortilla eater late for an appointment.
Cheese Curls: real estate agent, psychiatrist or producer. Formal, always proper, conscientious and principled, people who crave this have a highly developed sense of integrity and maintain the moral high ground with their family, co-workers and romantic partners.
Popcorn: teacher, artist, truck driver, nurse, judge or neurosurgeon. They are self-assured and confident, those who prefer popcorn are best described as "take charge sort of people." A popcorn enthusiast will not hesitate to assume extra work on the job or take on extra duties at social gatherings.
Nuts: plumber, architect, sanitation worker, cardiologist or politician. Those who prefer nuts tend to be easygoing, empathic and understanding. When confronted with an emotionally charged situation, they can be counted on to keep calm and not join the fray, allowing time for the emotional upheaval to pass. Their even handed nature makes them well suited for dealing with the public during emergency situations.
Snack Crackers: stockbroker or professional race car driver. Snack cracker devotees tend to be contemplative and thoughtful, and base their decisions on solid reasoning instead of their emotions. They value their private time and are most creative when allowed to be alone, free from daily responsibilities and interruptions.
Snack Crackers: stockbroker or professional race car driver. Snack cracker devotees tend to be contemplative and thoughtful, and base their decisions on solid reasoning instead of their emotions. They value their private time and are most creative when allowed to be alone, free from daily responsibilities and interruptions. 
Meat Snacks: dentist or bartender. Those who crave a satisfying stick of beef jerky or a mouth-watering bag of pork rinds are the life of the party. Gregarious and social, meant snack lovers are at their best amidst the company of others. They are loyal and true friends who can always be trusted, and will make extraordinary self-sacrifices to please others.
In summary, the study found that 'A person's job selection reflects his essential essence and his personality,' writes a Dr. Hirsch. 'Food choices, selection of clothing, movies and spouses can provide insight into personality and character structure. Thus the typical personality traits associated with savory snack preferences can be used to help predict   occupational choices, because a person's job selection also reflects his essential essence and his personality.’
What is your favorite snack? (Adopted from: http;//