Ways to Avoid an Injury While Training

If you're looking to build up your own staying power during a workout, you can take advantage of Newby-Fraser's expert advice, too. Check out her tips for avoiding an injury during endurance training: (Paula Newby-Fraser is known as the Queen of Kona—as in, the queen of the IRONMAN World Championship in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii)
Don't Go For Both Distance and Speed Right Away
Trying to go longer and faster simultaneously is a dangerous combination, says Newby-Fraser. Nix that idea. Instead, focus first on building up your distance. "Step one is slowing down a little bit to make it sustainable," says Newby-Fraser. Once your body adapts to the distance, then you can start stepping up your pace.
Recognize Pain and Respond To It - Everyone knows that feeling of being tired and sore after a particularly long or hard workout. It's important, though, that you recognize the difference between that feeling and actual pain, says Newby-Fraser. Fatigue and   soreness should gradually get better as you go through your workout, she says. But if a muscle starts to tighten up more or hurt more, that's pain—and that's when you need to stop.
"There's no glory in pushing through," says Newby-Fraser. At that point, try spending a couple of days on the elliptical rather than running on the road, or head to the pool instead of getting on the bike. It's tough to swallow sitting out of an activity you love especially if you're on a program for a race—but, as Newby-Fraser puts it, it's better to back off for a few days than to do damage that can keep you from making it to the starting line at all.
Never Skip Warm-Ups - So you want to hit a nine-minute-mile pace or get your heart rate to 145? Great. But you must ease into it. Give your muscles, heart, and body some time to warm up, recommends Newby-Fraser—especially if you're in the middle of endurance training and your muscles are already tired. "If you can finish your workout strong, it's better than having struggled through the whole thing because you pushed it too hard in the beginning," says Newby-Fraser.
Trust Your Body More Than the Program You're On - If you're training for a race by following a program, listen up: Even if your program dictates a certain distance, speed, or heart rate for the day's workout, make sure you're checking in with yourself and confirming that your body can handle it, says Newby-Fraser. "The most difficult part of training for something is looking at the objective outline on a piece of paper and then subjectively trying to execute it," she says. No matter how much you may feel like following the program's instructions to the letter, how your body feels should be the ultimate deciding factor in how closely you stick to it.
Your Training Doesn't End When Your Workout Does
Your nutrition—especially post-workout—will have a huge impact on how you're feeling from one day to the next, says Newby-Fraser. So make sure you consider hydration and nutrition part of your training, too. If you feel awful a couple of hours after a workout or you're totally drained the next day, it could be a sign that you need to up your electrolyte, fluid, and protein intake directly following your workout, says Newby-Fraser. (Adopted From http://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/)