A Mom's Back-To-School Guide For Children's Success

As the back-to-school season approaches, parents want their children to start the school year on the right foot. It's important for parents to prepare their children by offering advice and tools that will further their academic careers. Texas Instruments and Working Mother Magazine have teamed up to offer busy moms tips and guidance to help their children make a successful transition into the new school year and beyond.

Today's economy makes a solid high school education critical to ensure children can successfully compete for jobs in the real world after high school and college. In particular, strong math skills are increasingly important for a student's future success. Research shows that by the time today's high school students graduate from college, more than six million jobs will require a strong background in math, science or engineering -- 24 percent more than just a few years ago.(1)

"The importance of parental support hit home for me when both of my children were completing high school and my oldest was applying for college," said Carol Evans, CEO and founder of Working Mother Media, including Working Mother magazine. "I learned that it is critical to use every tool and resource available to motivate and help children gain a strong educational foundation, especially in math, that will further their success."

Parents like Evans know that every student needs a comprehensive education to be successful after graduation. The following are tips parents can use to get ready for back-to-school for their tweens and teens.

  • Take advantage of available educational tools and resources for your
  • Make sure your child has the right tools in math.
  • Unlike the calculators we grew up with, graphing calculators are math learning tools used from middle school through high school. Research has shown that students who use a graphing calculator at home and in class do better in math(2), like the TI-Nspire
    graphing calculator from Texas Instruments designed with computer features that help students better visualize math concepts for a deeper understanding.
  • Ensure your child is prepped for the SAT* or ACT exams that are so important in today's competitive college admissions.
  • Many parents are not aware that graphing calculators such as the TI-Nspire graphing calculator can be used on college entrance exams and students who use these calculators on tests can have a huge leg up.
  • Students should check out The Princeton Review for test prep resources that can prepare them for college entrance exams. They even offer free test prep questions that can be downloaded to students' Texas Instruments graphing calculators.
  • Take advantage of homework help.
  • There are many study group and tutoring options to help your child. Online resources, like Tutor.com, are available any time our child needs help -- on their schedule, not on yours. You should also check with your child's school for more options.
  • Communicate the value of math education: Math is important regardless of what your teen wants to be in life. In fact, studies show that people with strong math backgrounds are more likely to be employed and earn more.
  • Get to know your child's guidance counselor and teachers: At the beginning of the school year, become acquainted with your child's guidance counselors and teachers and stay in touch -- they're a wealth of information and can ensure that your child is taking challenging classes in order to be prepared for a successful future.
  • Set education and life goals with your children: Before school starts, work with your child to create a list of goals they want to accomplish during the coming semester, school year and beyond. Discuss careers and make sure they're choosing the courses they need to achieve their goals. Make it a priority to set goals and to help them succeed in school, not just for good grades but also for the fulfillment of their dreams. Post them in a visible spot and review them with your child regularly to ensure you are both on track.
  • Make their knowledge applicable to the real world: Help them see how what they learn in school is important in real life, like how they can use math skills every day to make better financial choices and even budget their allowances.

"An understanding of math prepares students for the future and encouragement from parents is vital," said Melendy Lovett, president of TI's Education Technology business. "In joining forces with Carol Evans and Working Mother, Texas Instruments is excited to provide parents the tips and tools essential to guiding their children to a successful school year and a rewarding future." - Adapted from http://www.newscom.com

Ways For Kids To Earn Money

Thinking of ways for kids to earn money before they are old enough to have a regular job can seem like a challenge.

Years ago, before child labor laws, it was so normal for kids to be working alongside adults that the very thought of looking for ways for kids to make money would have been ridiculous! Sometimes, the money earned by kids kept a family from starvation.

We live in better times now. There is usually plenty to eat, and we expect our kids to focus on their education, not support the family.

However, the school system in the Western world is highly geared to producing good employees. There are real risks if you leave your child's financial education to the so-called "education experts". Remember that the teachers, the inspectors, the administrators, the people who write the curriculum guidelines, and the politicians who make the laws about education are all, themselves, employees. Many of them have never been anything else.

It's up to parents to instill that good old-fashioned value of self-reliance, and encourage kids to get out and make money for themselves.

Kids can do all sorts of things to earn money. The only limit is your imagination.

  • Babysitting
  • Baking for busy working mothers
  • Collecting aluminium cans
  • Cleaning swimming pools
  • Gardening
  • Letter-box leaflet drops
  • Running errands
  • Dog washing
  • Selling things on eBay
  • Making jewellery
  • Making My Space backgrounds
  • Busking
  • Collecting for charity on commission
  • Buying bulk candy and selling individual pieces
  • Entertainers at kids' parties
  • Exercising horses
  • Breeding rats (or other pets)
  • Comic book rental library
  • Toy rental library
  • Collecting lost golf balls
  • Washing cars... and hundreds more!

Not so long ago, kids didn't need to look for ways to earn money, because 95% or more of the population were self-employed. People worked on their own farms, in retail, or in cottage industries. Kids grew up surrounded by commerce, watching the exchange of valuable services for money, and inhaling the principles of adding value and making a profit with their every breath.

These days, the majority of people depend on someone else's entrepreneurial spirit to generate revenue and pay them a wage directly, or they are indirectly relying on those same business owners because they work for a government funded by taxing the private sector and its employees.

With this shift from enterprise to job-seeking has come a corresponding shift from self-reliance to dependence. We have almost lost the ability to take care of ourselves financially.

Most people are expecting an employer or the government to take care of them when they can no longer work. Or, worse, they aren't even thinking about how they might survive financially beyond this year, this month, or even this week.

Basic entrepreneurship should be part of every child's education. But we can't expect the employees who teach in schools to pass on skills they don't have. As with the other crucial life skills like dental hygiene, eating right, and avoiding poisons, teaching the skills of money and business is very much the parent's responsibility. Help your kids to find ways to earn money, and build their skills for life. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

Recovering From Travel in a Pool

Traveling for many people can be very stressful. Whether you are traveling for business purposes or for a vacation with your family, between the reservations that must be made, check-in and check-out times at your hotel, traffic and/or airplane crowds, there are many instances where people begin to wonder what on earth they were thinking when they decided to take a particular trip. Although vacations are meant to be relaxing, they can often add to the stress that many people already feel.

A wonderful way to recover from your traveling experience is to laze in a pool. If you have a pool on your property then you likely already know the relaxing benefits that having a swimming pool entail. The simple pleasure of swimming or simply floating along with nothing to consider but keeping your head above water is unlike anything else in the world. Even for those who are typically not considered water people, having the ability to relax and unwind in a swimming pool can leave you completely refreshed after a stressful travel period.

Recovering from travel in your own pool can give you the energy and rejuvenation that you need to get yourself back on track. Even if your travel was for pleasure, you will still likely have side-effects of stress and anxiety. These may result from the high prices of travel these days or from a particular episode that happened while you were away. People who travel for business purposes are typically known for their high stress and anxiety levels, due to constant meetings and deadlines. Even traveling to beautiful and tropical destinations can leave you feeling stressed and anxious is you are constantly attending meetings and/or seminars.

When you have a swimming pool installed, you are giving yourself the greatest relaxation aspect that you can have at home. With little maintenance required, swimming pools give us back that wonderful feeling of being free. While floating on the water you can completely free your mind and thoughts and concentrate on nothing in particular. Swimming has been used as a rehabilitation method for years for those who need to learn relaxation methods and who have difficulties controlling their anxiety levels.

Whether you are an avid swimmer or you simply enjoy the feel of the water, you can swim away your stress in no time. Generally speaking, traveling even for enjoyable purposes can leave you feeling completely exhausted. The trip itself will take more of your energy than you may realize. While you may find yourself energetic during the actual trip, once you return home your exhaustion will catch up with you and you may feel completely spent.

If you are among those who travel frequently and find yourself occasionally facing stress related issues due to finances, business or any other reason, then a swimming pool can help you considerably. Just imagine yourself lazing on a pool float thinking of nothing in particular but simply enjoying the cool water and the bright sunlight. In fact, many homeowners choose to have their pools operable at night so that they can enjoy the stars while relaxing. Nighttime swimming is one of the best forms of relaxation in the world.

Simply gazing at the stars while floating along in your pool can rejuvenate your body and mind and give you the energy that you need to get on with your otherwise busy and stress filled life. After you have returned home from your traveling, taking a dip in your pool is the best way to recover. Just don't forget to unpack your bags once you are finished with your relaxing swim. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

Recipe Of The Month

Increase Car MPG - 9 Effective Ways

There are a lot of methods to Increase Car MPG or rather increase gas mileage, you probably have read or heard all the methods somewhere, since they sound so trivial, you might be ignoring it. Some of them do not work and some of them work, if you just implement four to five of these methods consistently, saving hundreds a year is not impossible.

Tuning up your engine, this does a big effect to increase gas mileage (incorrect fuel ratio, spark timing and plugs can affect the MPG of your car)

Stop turning on the engine when you are not driving and avoid stop you might want to take alternative routes (traffic jam is bad for your emotional state and your car MPG, and indirectly affect your income)

Use a good oil (synthetic oil with a friction that reduces oil additive has been proven to increase car MPG by 10%)

Reduce weight in your car (forbid people to take a ride!!, I mean remove unnecessary objects from your car)

Make use your cruise control whenever it is possible

Reducing resistance while traveling, pay attention whether your tires are properly inflated

Never Use Your air conditioner (I know it is impossible, but you can use it less, right?)

Help your engine overcome the gravity while climbing hill, you only need to close your windows

Can You keep your highway speed at 55-60 mph? It could increase gas mileage by 25% (are you shocked? Everyone knows it is tough)

Do they sound very hard to implement? Increase car MPG by doing them consistently would be tough, you might be able to do it in the first two weeks but after that, I am sure most people will give up.
There is no reason for you to lose hope though, you can increase car MPG with a hidden secret method (actually it is well known), which is to run car on water.

Is it possible to run car on water?
Yes, it is. In fact this technology was invented 80 years ago but it was kept secret because of some political reasons. Today with the power of the internet, people can get the guide easily and enjoy their life, in which they do not have to worry about rising gas price.

Running car on water with hydrogen on demand system can increase gas mileage by 100%, it has been proven. As a matter fact, CNN has interviewed a guy that has managed to convert his car to run on water and save hundreds of Dollars every month.

Amazingly you do not have to spend $1000 instead you only need to spend $150 for a complete hydrogen on demand system. The interesting part is that you can claim your IRS tax refund (for driving a more environment friendly car) and keep even more money in your pocket. What would you do if you can increase car MPG and save money massively? Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

Steps to Saving Your Relationship

Something has changed. Somehow over time that spark you felt every time your loved one walked in to the room has become a mere smoldering ember. You want to feel that excitement again, to rekindle the love and passion you once felt, but how?

Chances are you're not alone, your partner feels the same way. How can you come back together and bring back the love you once shared? Begin with these simple steps to get you love life back on track and rekindle your love.

1) Make an honest evaluation of your personal situation. Are there issues bothering you that are getting in the way of your relationship. Troubles at work, stress induced by children or other family members, financial issues will all have a negative effect on a relationship. Discover what the issues are and begin working to resolve them.

2) Notice what brings joy to your partner. Is it spending quality time together, doing things around the house and lending a hand when needed or is it just acknowledging all they do in the relationship? Reinforce any activity that supports their joy and your own joy is sure to follow.

3) Understand what your partner needs from you. If you aren't clear on what your partner needs, you may continue to provide them with things you would desire yet they have no interest in. If you're unsure of what your partner needs in your relationship, there is a special way to find out, ask them! The simple act of asking lets them know you are interested in their needs and fulfilling them. Listen carefully and be sure not to judge, remember these are your partner's needs.

4) Know what you need from your partner. If you gain clarity of your own needs you'll begin to make those your focus and will begin moving towards them. Once your find clarity and you have performed the previous steps you have opened the door to lovingly share your needs with your partner. By now they may have taken your lead and asked you what they are!

5) Make time for each other. Too often we get caught up in our work routines or our children's activities to really spend time together. In any healthy relationship we need to recharge our batteries and refill our "love tanks". This is the time to really be together to stay involved emotionally.

6) Make your relationship a priority. For any skill set to evolve requires several things. Attention, education and perseverance are always required and relationships are no different. Attend a marriage conference, read books about relationship skills and always work towards making your relationship better. Never take your relationship for granted, complacency is usually the first step in a failed relationship.

7) Be grateful every day for your partner. Make it a point to realize all that is positive about your relationship and your partner at least twice daily. Share your gratitude regularly with your partner.

Enjoy every day, love your partner with all your heart and live the life you desire and deserve...together. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

Things to Consider Before Buying a Pet

Many families have pets, and sometimes the first trigger for getting a pet is that your children are begging you for one. Take time to consider all the angles before jumping into pet ownership as there is a lot to deal with.

Pets become a natural part of your family. Not as critical as the life of your children, but still very important. Treat them humanely. That means making sure they get enough to eat, have a good place to sleep, get enough exercise and are not beaten severely. Pets need to be trained and need to learn how to behave around people and other animals. You will likely need to spend a lot of time training them not to destroy property, how to know the difference between strangers and people in your circle of life, and learn the general rules of your house (like not peeing on the floor). Training is time consuming and expensive if you have it done by an outside agency.

Don't forget about the high cost of foot. Pet food is very costly and even though there are occasional coupons and sales, you'll be spending hundreds of dollars a year on feeding your pet. Then there's the medical bills. Pets get sick and injured just like people do. Most people don't have pet insurance so you'll want to budget for Vet bills as well.

What about when you're on vacation? Someone must look after your animals. You can ask a friend or family member to look in on your pets regularly, or you can pay for a boarding service. Either way having a pet adds another layer of inconvenience to your vacation planning, and sometimes a layer of expense.

Don't get the impression that I don't want you to have pets. I think they're wonderful and had several dogs as a child. But they were a lot of responsibility and unfortunately many people discover too late how expensive and laborious pet ownership can be. As a result many animals are neglected and abused, something I don't want to see happen.

Before you venture into pet ownership please consider if your family is ready to handle all that comes with it. The love will be tremendous and so will the work. - Adapted from http://EzineArticles.com

Happiness is a Choice We Make

If we want to be healthy we need to do more than have a wholesome diet and exercise, as important as those things are.

We also need a healthy mindset.

Sometimes this is easier said than done. Every day we are bombarded with bad news. I've heard CNN called "constant negative news" and I have to agree with that!

Developing the habit of thinking positively and having the right attitude comes from the people we choose to associate with, from the books we read, the things we listen to, and most of all, from our own choice to be happy.

Happiness and contentment really are decisions we make.

It's common for people to say "if I could just find the right mate I would be happy" or "when I get a good job I will be happy." That is backwards. We need to be happy and content FIRST and then these things will come to us.

It's important to be grateful also. Spending just a few minutes each day, preferably in the morning, thinking of things we are grateful for can start the day off on a positive note which can carry you through the rest of the day with the right attitude.

Have you ever noticed how positive successful people are? They aren't positive because they are successful, but rather they became successful because of their good attitude.

One of the life changing things for me happened when I first listened to The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale. His message was simple, but very profound.

It all came down to this: We become what we think about.

I discovered later that Earl first recorded that message in the 1950s! Yet only recently has this idea become popular, it was with the release of The Secret, which you may have heard about.

iIt is vitally important to have the right thinking, not only to have the blessings and the life we really deserve, but for our health.

Worry, anger, resentment, and other negative emotions can and do have a detrimental effect on both our physical and mental health.

And besides.... it really is more fun to be positive than negative! - Adapted from http://EzineArticles.com