How to shed your holiday pounds

January first comes every year as does the commitment to lose some weight. We hear the same old tips year in and year. From past experience we know how it goes. We try, we get frustrated, and we give up. This year could be different! Here are a couple of things that might actually make you stop and think about your goals before you mess up.

First go through some photo albums and find a few pictures of you when you were at a good weight. They can be recent pictures or even old school pictures where you were happy with your appearance. Yes, some of us are never happy with our pictures but that's not the point for this endeavor. There must be some that you could drag out and use;

Post those pictures in obvious places to remind you of your goal. One on the bathroom mirror where you step on the scale. One in the bedroom next to the alarm to get you up and exercising in the morning. Put the final picture on the refrigerator so you will be less inclined to grab the wrong food.

Then, go out and buy a second cheap bathroom scale but put it in the kitchen. Yes, in kitchen where you will trip over it on occasion and remember why it is there. It's a great conversation piece when company comes over and that eliminates the need to explain to those guests why you're not serving dessert.

Another trick that works is to find a piece of clothing you really, really like and buy it a size or two smaller. When you get it home put it on and measure the gap where it won't close. Hang it in the bedroom in plain sight and each week try it on again. As the weeks go by the gap gets smaller and that is a true motivator.

Set small goals of 5 or 10 pounds at a time. Each time you meet one of those goals reward yourself with some accessory to go with the outfit hanging in the bedroom.

You also need to set the ultimate goal with a reward also. For example, plan a trip for the first week of June. Reserve the room and purchase the airline tickets. Then invite an old friend to join me for the weekend. It should be some one that hasn't seen you for a couple of years. Once everything is set there is no turning back. It works and those pounds were lost, never found again.