Easy "No-Workout" Workouts

Getting in shape doesn’t have to be a major chore. Sneak these easy get-fit ideas (courtesy of Gold's Gym) into your life, and you won’t even notice you’re doing anything - until you start to see the payoff!
Tooth Brush Wall Squats - Instead of standing over the sink while you’re brushing your teeth, stand against a wall with your legs extended out about two feet from the wall. Slowly bend your knees to slide down the wall until you reach a seated position.  Extra How-To Details: Start out holding the squat position for 30 seconds (working your way up to a minute). Then, stand up, take a quick break and repeat until you’re done brushing your teeth (two to three minutes in total). How Often Should You Do It: at least twice a day! The Payoff: This is the best way to tone your butt and your legs in a short amount of time. Just Remember: Make sure your back is flat against the wall and your knees are positioned behind your toes!

Commercial Break Mini-Workout - Next time the ads start during Glee, instead of fast-forwarding the DVR, get off the couch and try a Star Pass. Start in a standing position with your arms over your head, holding the remote control in between both hands. Bend to your right, lifting your left leg off the ground so that your body looks like a star. Then repeat to  the left. Extra How-To Details: Hold the position on each side for three to five seconds and keep switching back and forth until the commercial break ends! How Often Should You Do It: Try doing it during at least half of the commercials that come on during every hour-long TV show you watch! The Payoff: This is a total body workout and great for toning up your legs and abs! Just Remember: Keep your core tight the whole time you’re moving from side to side, to work your abs as much as possible! (Adopted from http://www.seventeen.com)