Ways to Celebrate Memorial Day - Fun Things for Families to Do Together This Holiday.

Make Memorial Day a memorable one for you and your family with these great ideas. Teaching kids the meaning of Memorial Day is at the top of this list!

Memorial Day, held during the last Monday of May, is not merely an extra day off of school or work. This day is a day that recognizes and commemorates men and women who have given their lives to military services over the years. It has been celebrated since the Civil War and continues to be a day of reflection.

Many families may not understand the profound meaning of this day; however, if you have children, it is important that they know what Memorial Day stands for, and that you teach them appropriate ways to celebrate. Here are several ideas, and you might find one or all of them worth doing this holiday.

Have a Picnic or Party
Since this day often marks the start of summer, it is common for families to gather for meals, parties, and picnics. There are many other meaningful ways to celebrate, too.

Visit a Veteran’s Cemetery
If there is a veteran cemetery near you, take the family there and place small American flags or red, white and blue flowers on the graves of soldiers. This is a great way to remember the reason why we celebrate Memorial Day and recognize those who gave their lives for our freedom.

Fly the American Flag
It is traditional to fly the American flag at half mast until noon on Memorial Day. This is traditional and after noon, you can raise the flag at full mast.

Dress in Patriotic Colors
Take the time to dress in patriotic colors to remember our country and those who fought for us. Red, white, and blue are popular for Independence Day, but it is also appropriate for this day.

Help a Veteran
Help those in your community that are widows of veterans or who are disabled veterans. You can spend the day weeding their flower beds, taking them flowers, taking them a meal or honoring that person with a neighborhood barbecue.

Celebrate at School
Start a Memorial Day tradition at your child’s school. Plant flowers in the school gardens, put out small American flags or encourage the principal to lead the school in a moment of silence. You can also have children bring pictures of fallen soldiers in their own family and hang in the hallways.

Take a Field Trip
Take a field trip to a place where it is known to recognize fallen soldiers. This could be a monument, battle site, or other historic place. Take the time to learn about the importance of the place and teach your children the history.

Memorial Day is certainly a day to remember those who gave their lives for our country. Take the time to learn what you can do to remember these very special people. Adopted From http://kids-holiday-activities.suite101.com/article.cfm/