Look To The Future And Forget The Past

One reason some people are chronically unhappy is because they continue to rehearse and rehash past pains. Because they live in the past, they don’t plant for a bright and better future. When bad things happen to you, be quick to remind yourself that you can’t change what has happened but you can take steps to ensure a better tomorrow. Whenever you find yourself slipping into the negatives of the past, ask yourself these types of questions:

What can I do with what I have left?;

What can I do today which will improve my life?

What can I begin doing today to create a brighter future?

Who can I talk with to gain some insight and guidance?

When Amy Dodson was 21, she lost her left leg to cancer. In spite of being an amputee, Dodson took up long distance running by using a prosthesis. Working up her daily miles of running, she entered her first marathon completing it in 5:28. She ran her second marathon in 4:37. Continuing to train, she earned a gold medal in the 5,000 meters of the Disabled Sports Summer Games. “Don’t ever accept anyone else’s preconceived limitations,” says Dodson, a school librarian in Cookeville, Tennessee. “If there’s something you want to do, there isn’t any reason you can’t do it.” Adopted From http://www.happiness.com/